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Pull Together for Post-disaster Restoration

— China Water Affairs Group Limited Backs up Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant in Hebi

      On the morning of July 31, 2021, Cao Zhongyin, chairman, and Fang Di, general manager of Henan Yinlong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. of China Water Affairs Group Limited, Zhang Shangzheng, chairman, and Yu Zhiqiang, general manager of Zhoukou Silver Dragon Water Affairs Ltd., Zhang Jianhua, chairman of Zhoukou Shangshan Water Affairs Co., Ltd., and leaders of Henan Yinlong Luyi Water Supply Co., Ltd., Luyi Direct Drinking Water Company, and Xiayi Congchen Water Supply Company, braving the heat, drove more than 400 kilometers to the Hebi Baoshan Plant. They brought cordial greetings and care, as well as consolation money and gifts. 

      After arriving at the Hebi Baoshan Plant, Chairman Cao Zhongyin and his delegation immediately went deep into the affected areas, accompanied by Baoshan Plant's General Manager Jin Debiao and Deputy General Manager Wang Zhiguo, despite the tiredness of long travel. On sites, they examined the disaster situation and the current production operation. While listening to the introduction, Chairman Cao and other leaders fully affirmed Baoshan Plant's flood prevention and disaster relief efforts.

      Later, these leaders came to the conference room, where Chairman Cao Zhongyin and GM Fang Di conveyed cordial greetings and encouragement of Duan Linnan, executive director of China Water Affairs Group Limited and president of Chongqing Kangda International Environmental Protection Co., Ltd, to all the officials and workers of Hebi Baoshan Plant. Chairman Cao said that China Water Affairs Group Limited is a warm family, hoping that facing the ruthless disaster, Hebi Baoshan Plant can ensure safety and production, overcome the impact, and accelerate the post-disaster recovery under the guidance of plant's GM Jin Debiao.

      On behalf of Hebi Baoshan Plant, GM Jin Debiao expressed his deep gratitude to President Duan Linnan for his greetings and concern, and extended a warm welcome to all the leaders. GM Jin Debiao said that the severe floods have not only posed a great disaster to the whole city of Hebi, but also have a great impact on Hebi Baoshan Plant, and they will certainly live up to the care and kindness of the leaders of the group, strengthen confidence and forge ahead, so as to ensure the successful completion of the main objectives and tasks throughout the year. In addition, the meeting listened to a special report on the flood control and disaster relief work of the Hebi Baoshan Plant. Li Shuanghua, head of the sewage plant project in Baoshan Biochemical Park, Hebi, also participated in the activity and received sympathy from China Water Affairs Group Limited.