About Us
  • Speech by the Management
    "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", the environmental awareness of protecting the green landscape put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping has been kept deepening by generations of environmental fighters. Nowadays, China has unceasingly transformed the development emphasis of the environmental protection industry to the improvement of environmental quality from the control of environmental pollution, which marks a new record high of environmental protection. Kangda EP that has always followed closely the national policy orientation has tightly seized the development opportunities brought by the environmental protection policy of the central government, fully tapped out its advantages in domains like technology, market integration and financing, thoroughly integrated the internal and external resources, brought innovation to the ideas of business development and championed the second revolution to realize the multi-win development.
  • Hanker after the Comprehensive Development to Enhance the Growth Potential of Employees
    Seeing employees as the core competitive force of the company, Kangda EP has attached great importance to the human resource management, and carried forward the concept advertising talents as the prime resource, for which the company has spared no efforts in talent training and caring, kept optimizing the training management regulations and bolstered the independent cultivation of internal brilliant talents. In addition, Kangda EP has highly valued the occupational physical and psychological health of employees. By implementing the guideline of "Safety First, Prevention Dominant and Comprehensive Treatment", as well as organizing activities like sports meeting and cultural festival, Kangda EP has facilitated the team building and fostered the all-embracing, inclusive, healthy and happy corporate environment while striking a balance between work and life for employees.
  • Seek Progress while Maintaining Stability to Take Firm Steps in Pursuing Corporate Development
    Under the vision of "Create a First-Class Environmental Protection, Creat a Century Enterprise", Kangda EP has paid unremitting efforts to pursue its centurial development plan. In order to coordinate with the company strategy, Kangda EP has never neglected its professionalism and commitment. Abiding by the quaternity integrated layout of "Planning-Investment-Construction-Operation", Kangda EP has continuously promoted the transformation from the traditional water affairs treatment & service provider to the urban environmental comprehensive management service provider. Moreover, its abundant development experience, first-rate technology and management mechanism & experience in environmental protection have tremendously pillared the environmental protection and sustainable development, realized the full-coverage of environmental protection industry ecological chain, and fulfilled its corporate responsibility to the utmost.
  • Undertake the Responsibility for Social Development in the Long History
    While inheriting the operation philosophy featuring "Sincere Commitment and Repaying the Society", Kangda EP has profoundly combined its business with the social responsibility. Through the businesses that have developed and driven the sustainable development pattern in combination with regional ecological construction and economic growth, Kangda EP has brought the corporate social property into full play, and probed into the comprehensive urban environmental governance for the goal of improving the living environment and building an urban-rural beautiful home. In the meantime of creating a salubrious environment through corporate businesses, Kangda EP has actively joined hands with stakeholders to support communities, repay the society and vigorously engage in voluntary and public benefit activities. It has strengthened itself and repaid the society neck and neck, realizing thoroughly the ultimate value of Kangda EP for the society in the long history.