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Merciless Flood, Warm World - condolence after the disaster Group leaders went to the Hebi Baoshan Biochemical Park Sewage Treatment Plant to condole with front-line staff

        From July 20 to July 23, 2021, in Shancheng District in Hebi, continuous heavy rainfall lead to waterlogging. And living area and construction areas in Baoshan Biochemical Park Sewage Treatment Plant are all flooded, causing a lot of damage. 

       During the flood, the water level of the Project Department was up to 2.8m. All the equipment and facilities on the first floor of the living and office area were soaked in water, and the temporary roads on the construction site were damaged by water. Nearly 150m temporary fences collapsed. 

      Because of the rainstorm precipitation on July 20, at 12: 00 p.m., all personnel and valuable things in the living area were evacuated, and the water and power supply in the living area and the construction area were cut off to avoid secondary losses caused by flooding. 

       On the morning of July 31, under the leadership of Cao Zhongyin, Chairman of Henan Silver Dragon Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., and Fang Di, the General Manager of the Group, Zhang Shangzheng, Chairman of Zhoukou Silver Dragon Water Affairs Ltd., Yu Zhiqiang, the General Manager, Zhang Jianhua, Chairman of Zhoukou Shangshan Water Co., Ltd., Zhang Jianxin, Chairman of Xiayi Congchen Water Supply Co., Ltd., Chen Le, General Manager of Henan Silver Dragon Luyi Water Supply Co., Ltd., and Wang Mingliang, General Manager of Luyi Direct Drinking Water Co., Ltd. etc., came to the construction site of Hebi Baoshan Biochemical Park Sewage Treatment Plant with the donations and condolence materials from their companies in the hot weather, to condole with the front-line employees who were affected by the heavy rain and flooding a few days ago, comforting each employee thoughtfully. 

        During the visit, Chairman Cao said, this time many places suffered heavy rainfall in Henan. Affected by heavy rainfall, the flood control situation in many places in Henan is still very serious and should not be ignored. We are also concerned about the safety of each employee in the affected project department all the time. The disaster is merciless but there is love in the world. We also want to bring warmth and strength to the staff working in the front line. Keep watch and help each other. We can overcome the difficult times! Care from companies' leaders makes the front-line staff feel warm. 

      The first time after the flood receded, the Project Department concentrated on rescuing equipment and facilities and restoring roads. At present, all indoor places has been cleaned on the first floor and 50% outdoor area has been cleaned. At present, we have spent our efforts in cleaning up garbage as soon as possible, intensifying emergency repair of electricity, carrying out epidemic prevention and disinfection work and resuming normal work, and properly arranging the living and resettlement of on-site construction personnel.