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Fighting the Disaster with Brothers and Becoming Stronger after the Storm

China Water Affairs Group Limited Helps Xinzheng Branch of Kangda EP

      Recently, Zhengzhou in Henan Province was hit by heavy rainfall, with extraordinary rainstorms in some areas. Xinzheng area was severely flooded due to the heavy rainfall, and several water plants in the Xinzheng area of Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP) were affected to varying degrees. 

      Our homeland is destroyed by the flood, but the great love of compatriots is borderless. After learning of the seriousness of the disaster in plants in the Xinzheng area, Gao Guangwei, Chairman of Pingdingshan Shilong District Guoyuan Water Company Limited under China Water Affairs Group Limited, together with leaders of sister units, such as Wugang City Yinlong Water Company Limited, Lushan County Yinlong Water Company Limited, Jia County Yinlong Water Company Limited, Baofeng County Yinlong Water Company Limited, quickly lent a helping hand. They arrived at the Xinzheng Branch of Kangda EP on the morning of July 31, 2021, to express their condolences to the affected factories and send care and warmth to the affected enterprises.

      Chairman Gao Guangwei and his delegation first went into the factory to view the disaster, and then listened carefully to the introduction of general manager Li Qiwen of Xinzheng Branch on the disaster situation and production and self-rescue of each plant. Upon hearing that Xinzheng First Plant, which was most seriously affected, resumed production and operation within two days, and other plants also resumed their original operation one after another, he highly appreciated the calm and cool performance of Xinzheng Branch staff in front of the sudden disaster and the spirit of active response to minimize the loss of enterprise properties and encouraged the staff of all plants in Xinzheng area to be more united, to help each other and overcome the difficulties together in the face of the disaster. He firmly believes that under the concern and support of the authorities at all levels, with the joint efforts of all the staff of the enterprise and the active help of all the sister units, the plants in the Xinzheng area will soon be able to overcome the troubles brought by the floods and move towards a brighter tomorrow!

      Through disasters, we know the value of warmth; through storms, we know the splendor of the rainbow! Through the disaster, we get tougher and tougher! Through trials and tribulations, we will be stronger!
      We firmly believe that with the kind care of China Water Affairs Group Limited, the attention of all sister units, the full support of leaders at all levels, and the joint efforts of all workers in the Xinzheng area, the plants in Xinzheng will be able to overcome the flood quickly and make new achievements!