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Leaders of Taiyuan Drainage Management Center Visit Kangjin Water

       Accompanied by Zhang Jianchen, the steering group of Taiyuan Drainage Management Center visited Taiyuan Kangjin Water Co., Ltd. to assess the company’s performances in pandemic prevention and control, flood prevention, production safety, party education, and anti-corruption. President Chen Caiping, Vice President Zhang Guangyao, President Assistant Wu Guobin, Head of the General Department Chen Jianjun, and Head of the Security Department Yang Yong also accompanied the steering group throughout the visit.
       Department leaders of the company reported the progress in the five categories they made in the meeting room. The steering group reviewed work records and related materials of epidemic prevention and control, flood control, and party education of the company, and had in-depth and detailed exchanges with the company’s leaders on how to further strengthen anti-corruption, party education, production safety, pandemic prevention and control, and flood prevention under the new situation. Zhang Jianchen, deputy director of the steering group, later made a brief summary of the inspection tour. He highly praised Kangjin Water for its achievements in pandemic prevention and control, flood prevention, production safety, and party education, and put forward guiding opinions on how to carry out in-depth party education programs, deepen the practical activities of "Practical Work for People", promote the in-depth integration of Party construction and business, and pay close attention to anti-corruption in the next stage. He emphasized that Kangjin Water should continue to carry out party education programs and integrate them with daily management work, take strong measures to solve employees’ concerns over their work and life based on practical activities of "Practical Work for People" to unite the workers, and discuss the implementation of relevant beneficial work and provide timely feedback to employees on related issues.
       Besides that, the steering group also made important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, urging all company leaders and employees to pay special attention to it to ensure no imported cases. Kangjin Water was required to formulate strict regulations and take effective measures against the pandemic, make detailed inspection records, and improve systems related to epidemic prevention and control.
       As flash floods swept through parts of China, the steering group pointed out that all the employees of Kangjin Water should take precautions to ensure the safe and stable operation of the Company. The company systems should be further refined and measures for flood prevention should be improved. Meanwhile, all related documents and videos should be stored and reviewed timely.
       After listening to the summary speech of the leaders of the steering group, President Chen Caiping expressed her sincere thanks to the steering group for taking time off from their busy agendas to visit the company. She said that the requirements and advice related to the anti-corruption and party education program, flood control, pandemic prevention, and production safety were pertinent, clear, targeted, and instructive. Guided by these requirements of the higher level, Kangjin Water will, timely and deeply, improve the deficiencies existing in the work, strengthen institutional construction, and promote the implementation of various works.