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Kind Concerns of the Leader Inspire Employees to Make Progress

President Duan Linnan Visits Front-line Employees of Beijing Caiyu Sewage Treatment Plant During the Spring Festival 

On February 2, the second day of the first lunar month, a day for family reunion during the Spring Festival, Duan Linnan, President of Chongqing Kangda Environmental Protection Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. came to Beijing Caiyu Sewage Treatment Plant to pay a cordial visit to the employees sticking to their posts during the festival accompanied by Shen Ji, General Manager of the plant.

That morning, President Duan arrived at the plant. He first carefully listened to the report of General Manager Shen Ji on production operation, safety management, on-duty arrangement and living conditions of employees. Then, he visited front-line employees working at the central control room, deslimer room and various workshops of the plant, and delivered New Year's greetings to everyone on behalf of the group. President Duan expressed his appreciation for employees' persistence and dedication on the job, gave red envelopes to them and sent his blessings and messages of the new year. Besides, President Duan put forward his expectation to work. He said that the plant is the only sewage treatment plant invested, built and operated by the group in Beijing. The group will earnestly support the plant, build it into a window for the group to the outside, give full play to its location advantages and make it a demonstration base of the group.

At the end of the visit, President Duan repeatedly told plant leaders to make good work arrangements for the holidays. Specifically, the first is to ensure safety and carry out production in an orderly manner, the second is to provide a guarantee for employees to have a pleasant Spring Festival, and the third is to do a good job in the annual work planning and actively promote the standardized construction of the zone. 
Later, General Manager Shen Ji, on behalf of employees, expressed heartfelt thanks to President Duan for visiting the front line of the plant in his busy time and caring for employees sticking to their posts during the festival. He said that employees of the plant will not live up to President Duan's expectations, take their responsibilities seriously, earnestly practice the core value of "contributing to society with water-oriented principles", give full play to the advantages of the plant, and try their best to ensure the steady and standard emission amid sewage treatment, working hard to make the plant a beautiful sight and a symbol of the group to display its corporate image to the outside.