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Ding Shengren, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Baoji Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor of Baoji, Investigates the Process of the Upgrading and Reconstruction Project in Qishan Project Company


On the morning of May 20, Ding Shengren, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Baoji Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor of Baoji, led personnel from the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Municipal Water Resources Bureau and other departments to Qishan Dayuan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. to investigate the progress of the upgrading and reconstruction project for Qishan sewage treatment. This investigation was accompanied by Zhang Junhui, County Head of Qishan County; Li Yingfeng, Vice Director of the Management Committee of Caijiapo Economic Development Zone; Liu Jianxin, Director of Qishan County Government Office; Gou Dengpan, Director of Baoji Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment Qishan Branch; Li Tao, Director of the Construction Bureau of the Management Committee of Caijiapo Economic Development Zone; Wang Yanzhe, General Manager of Qishan Dayuan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd., as well as project managers of the project. 

After arriving at the Dayuan plant, Deputy Mayor Ding and his delegation were briefed on the current basic situation of Qishan Dayuan Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. by County Head Zhang. Then, accompanied by County Head Zhang and leaders of the company, they visited the upgrading and reconstruction site and listened to the detailed report of General Manager Wang on new structures, new equipment funded by this project and the technological process after upgrading and reconstruction.

During the investigation, Deputy Mayor Ding and his delegation also boarded the CAST pond, which is undergoing reconstruction, inspected the details of the reconstruction work of the CAST pond on site, and asked the accompanying personnel about the current production and operation of Dayuan plant and its compliance with the discharge standards.


After listening carefully to the work report and on-site inspection, Deputy Mayor Ding fully recognized the overall progress of the project, while warning his delegation and the accompanying leaders of Qishan and project managers that, "sewage treatment upgrading and reconstruction is about urban construction and people's livelihood projects, and that the quality of the project must be guaranteed. The equipment used must be first-class national brands, to ensure smooth operation of the later production." When came to the progress of the project, Deputy Mayor Ding stressed that the upgrading and reconstruction project of Dayuan in Qishan should be completed as soon as possible to bring an early delivery of acceptance for the project and put it into operation; the project company in Qishan should strengthen internal management, and strive to ensure the normal and stable operation of sewage treatment equipment and facilities and sewage being discharged steadily and stably on standards during the process of upgrading and reconstruction, to actively contribute to the prevention and control of water pollution in the Weihe River. 


Then, on behalf of Qishan project company, General Manager Wang expressed his heartfelt thanks to Deputy Mayor Ding and the leaders of relevant functional departments at all levels of the Baoji Municipal Government for taking time out of their busy schedules to visit the upgrading and reconstruction site in Dayuan. He also stressed that he hoped the leaders of Baoji Municipal and Qishan County government departments at all levels would continue to support the work of the company in Dayuan, Qishan, and said that Qishan project company and the project department would do their best to complete the upgrading and reconstruction work as soon as possible to bring an early delivery of acceptance for the project, and at the same time perform their duties and responsibilities to secure smooth daily operation and sound management, and ensure that the discharge meets the standards, so as to make a more active contribution to the prevention and control of water pollution in the Weihe River.