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Two Decades of Endeavors in Environmental Protection Continued to Prosper the Industry and Serve the Mass

Good News: Mr. Li Zhong, Chairman of the Board of Kangda EP, is elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee


Farewell to the melting snow, the spring comes with good news. On January 8, 2023, Mr. Li Zhong, Co-Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP) and a representative of Hong Kong and Macao regions, was elected as a member of the 14th CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee at the 38th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee. On January 18, 2023, Mr. Li was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee after the election at the plenary meeting of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee.

Mr. Li graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with a degree in High Polymer Material and from St. Mary's University, Canada with a master's degree in Business Administration, and had served as a member and Standing Committee member of the 4th, 5th, and 6th CPPCC Shenzhen Committee. At present, in addition to serving as the Chairman of Kangda EP, he is also the executive director of China Water Affairs Group Limited, the director of Shenzhen Bus Group Co., Ltd., the vice chairman of the Environment Chamber of Commerce of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the chairman of the Hong Kong Hua Jing Society, and the honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Volunteers Association.

Mr. Li, a longtime investment manager of urban utilities and infrastructure projects focusing on water affairs, attended as a member of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee representing Hong Kong and Macao regions the first session of the 14th CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee and the Mayor's Symposium held at the beginning of the year, and was invited to deliver a speech. At the meeting, focusing on the topic of "Enhancing High-quality Development in Beijing", Mr. Li suggested that, in view of the fact that Beijing was the first city in China who incorporated the building of a resilient city in its overall urban planning and who proposed to strengthen its urban disaster prevention and mitigation capacity and enhance its urban resilience as the major task, Beijing should first establish a resilient city-based planning and evaluation system and a medium- and long-term strategic research program to strengthen the city's management of urban security risks; besides, it should also enhance the resilience of critical infrastructure with science and technology, build a cross-regional collaborative mechanism, make good use of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei "Cooperative Governance" and other national level platforms, and improve the level of the resilient city building project according to the highest standards. All his suggestions received high attention and active responses from Mayor Yin Yong of Beijing and other leaders attending the meeting.

Mr. Li's election to the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee reflects fully the state's concern and care for private enterprises and entrepreneurs and shows greatly the affirmation of those who continuously exert their professional advantages, fulfill the mission of the times, and practice the spirit of responsibility. At the same time, it is also a great honor and stimulator for all members of Kangda EP to make new contributions to the development of China's water and environmental protection industry with higher requirements.