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Weihai xu-guang gao, Chairman Of the CPPCC, Rushan County Party Secretary Zhou Bing Has Done a Line

      August 15 afternoon, weihai, chairman of the CPPCC xu-guang gao, rushan county party secretary zhou bing has done a line to our investment rushan city economic development zone of the sewage treatment plant inspection guidance, professional research on plant operation management situation.

      Xu-guang gao line of more than 60 people in rushan city focused on the introduction of the ecological environment of the construction projects - rushan city urban water supply and drainage PPP projects by the open area sewage treatment plant construction site survey. Rushan city live built bureau palace in tianjin to xu-guang gao, chairman of the detailed report on the project construction, the project is the first sewage treatment plant of weihai + to realize zero discharge solid waste sludge disposal center, the cycle of industrial chain development effectively reduce the damage to the ecological environment, is the rushan city "promote the construction of green development, happiness rushan mountain" demonstration of the window. Project is completed will vigorously promote rushan county economic development, improve the quality of the city and improve the residents living environment, improve the well-being of the citizens and satisfaction.

      Xu-guang gao heard after the report of the project, fully affirmed by the open area sewage treatment plants play an important role in the comprehensive control on the water. He pointed out that the center of the sludge disposal and put into operation, the result has not come easily, chongqing kangda environmental protection group on the contribution of water environment protection highly praise, and on behalf of weihai city people's political consultative conference to weihai kangda and chongqing kangda and project director hu long yuan and Dr. Bo for the CPPCC DiaoYanTuan contribution to pay condolences and thanks.
      Xu-guang gao stressed that builders to bear clerkstarts action of fidelity and return of rushan city people's great trust deeply love talk, to city water supply and drainage PPP projects into withstand history inspection quality engineering, make new greater contributions to rushan city ecological construction.
      Xu-guang gao chairman, secretary zhou bing has done a line in the rain to visit our company rushan city economic development zone, sewage treatment plant research guide, fully embodies the governments at all levels of the sewage factory attaches great importance to the construction work and take care. Company will always adhering to the "construction of the green water castle peak is the jinshan yinshan" important mission, make persistent efforts, one step at a time, and steadily push forward the work, guarantee the smooth completion of the project node CRD, make positive contribution to weihai city environmental protection career.