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"Cool" Comfort to Front-line Workers for "Fighting Against Hot Summer"

      With the purpose of guaranteeing safety production during the hot summer, on the morning of August 7, 2019, Yuan Jianguang, General Manager of Jiaozuo Area and relevant leaders of Jiaozuo Federation of Trade Unions and Jiaozuo Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau paid a visit to sewage treatment plants in Jiaozuo and conducted the "Cool Summer" Activity, bringing cooling supplies to the front-line workers as well as the concern and sympathy of the company and trade unions.
      During the Activity, leaders presented heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies such as umbrellas, water cups, bath products and cool drinks to the front-line workers. In addition, they had cordial talks with these workers to learn about their working and living conditions and their methods for heatstroke prevention and cooling, expressed gratitude to these workers who worked in the front line in spite of high temperature and made selfless contribution, and urged workers to pay more attention to heatstroke prevention, avoid fatigued operations and take care of physical health while ensuring safety production. Meanwhile, leaders required safety management departments of these plants to further strengthen the awareness of safety, build a safe and comfortable environment, set a reasonable schedule and carry out down-to-earth work to heatstroke prevention and cooling in detail, thus ensuring safety production and physical health of the front-line workers.
      This Activity was followed and reported by Jiaozuo Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction, Jiaozuo TV Station and Jiaozuo Daily.