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An Expert Panel Led by AHK Visits Chongqing Kangda Group

      On the morning of November 21, 2017, an expert panel led by Schmidt, the principal of Environment Department of AHK, visited Chongqing Kangda Group. Luo Qingfeng, Director of International Cooperation Center, Tang Ling, Deputy Director of General Affairs Department, Rong Yuan, Xu Minghua, Qin Jinhong of International Cooperation Center, Deng Zhichao and Mo Zhaofei of Water Affairs Department, as well as relevant personnel of Administrative Managing Center of Kangda Group participated in the symposium. The two parties conducted friendly exchanges and talks in the conference room on the sixth floor of the group.

      During the meeting, they exchanged ideas and opinions on technologies related with diversion of rain and sewage water, chemical engineering, environmental protection and other issues as well as domestic and foreign advanced environmental protection equipment. The German expert panel praised the operation and management experience of sewage treatment plants of Kangda Group, and denoted that the purpose of their visit to Chongqing is to seek partners in environmental protection and smart city projects, and they hoped to further promote mutual exchanges and study between China and Germany in areas like energy efficiency, waste disposal, environmental technology, recycling economy technology, new energy and sewage treatment through project cooperation.
      It is learned that AHK adheres to the mission of “supporting trade contacts between China and Germany, promoting cooperation between the two countries and assisting cooperation between enterprises of the two countries”, and is committed to providing market information and communication, establishing business contacts, laying foundation for business development, and building communication platform for enterprises of the two countries.
      Through the exchange, AHK and Chongqing Kangda Group establishes business relation for the first time, which will be beneficial to the further implementation of the group's international cooperation strategy.