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Yunan County Government Visits the Headquarters of Kangda EP Group in Chongqing

On the morning of July 19, 2017, Wu Qihan, Deputy Secretary of Yunan County CPC Committee and County Mayor of Yunan County, led a panel of 13 leaders from relevant functional departments, including the Development and Reform Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau and Agricultural Development Bank, to visit Kangda EP Group. They held a meeting during which they worked on the specific problems existing during the implementation of the PPP project of Kangda EP Group throughout the whole Yunan County. Zhang Weizhong, President of Kangda EP Group extended a warm welcome, along with Gu Weiping, Vice President, Shi Yuejin, general manager of small cities and towns business department, and Liao Yong, general manager of Yunan Kangda, participating in the reception together.

      On the meeting, Liao Yong, general manager of Yunan Kangda first reported to the government leaders on the promotion of the project and the problems that the government needs urgently to solve in the work, and had some discussions about the problems on the new construction of management houses and urban sewage treatment plant, as well as the use of electricity and sewage collection rate of the integrated equipment of sewage treatment. County Magistrate Wu responded, one by one, to the problems we have to solve, and promised that the government will solve these problems as soon as possible. Meanwhile Yunan County Government and all functional departments put forward demands on the problems existing in the project construction work of our company in Yunan. He hopes that planners can work on site, to adjust the design scheme according to the situation, so as to solve the problem in time. 

      At last, the Group leader welcomed County Magistrate Wu and the panel to visit our company, and hoped to increase exchange visits, to enhance companionship, and to deepen understanding of each other. President Zhang expressed that he would visit Yunan County someday for expanding investment cooperation on projects, and cooperated with Yunan County in the sectors, such as the treatment of the solid waste and rubbish, in all-round way. Yunan County Government also gave the full affirmation to a series of work on the PPP Project of Yunan Kangda, and hoped to work together to constantly protect the environment of Yunan County.