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Kangda EP Group Holds Training Session on the Laws of Contract Management

      The legal risk in the process of contract signing is always one of the main problems of enterprises. For the purpose of strengthening the contract management of all departments of Kangda EP Group, preventing the legal risk in the process of contract signing and boosting the sound development of Kangda EP Group, the Training Session themedLegal Knowledge of Contract Managementwas jointly held by Human Resources Department, CEO Office, Department of Tender Contract Budget and Risk Control Department of Kangda International Environmental Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Kangda EP Group”) in the Multifunctional Hall on the second floor of the building of Kangda EP Group on the afternoon of July 19, 2017.

      Luo Hong, Deputy Director of Department of Tender Contract Budget, Wu Xiang, Director of Legal Department of CEO Office, and Luo Qiangui, Deputy Director of Legal Department of CEO Office, delivered speeches respectively during the training session. More than 40 employees from business divisions and functional departments in charge of contract execution and management attended the training session, and relevant workers of Beijing Business Division of Kangda EP Group attended the training session through the Internet.

     In the course of the training session, Luo Hong explained the upcomingMeasures of Kangda EP Group for the Review and Management of Construction Contracts (Interim), visualized the process of contract review and pointed out the main problems of the current process of contract review. Wu Xiang elaborated the legal procedures, contract system and key contract terms related to the contracts of PPP project, franchising and equity merger and acquisition based on the market environment of the main business of Kangda EP Group and the actual situation of investments abroad, increasing employees’ knowledge of these contracts. Taking the contract involved in daily production and operation of Kangda EP Group as an instance,Luo Qiangui[w1] pointed out the common problems of contract drafting of every department based on the eight basic elements of contract drafting and proposed the corresponding solutions to these problems.

      Kangda EP Group conducts theme-specific training courses in time according to the practical requirements of its production and operation The training session on the laws of contract management has not only enhanced the comprehensive capability of business divisions and functional departments of Kangda EP Group in such aspects as contract drafting, contract review and contract management, but also raised legal awareness of employees. Kangda EP Group will conduct a series of training activities based on the requirements of the production and operation of its departments in the future.