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Expert Team of Kangda Group Pays a Visit to Hebi Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant for Investigating th

      On April 27, 2017, the Office of President of Kangda Group led and organized 15 experts of water treatment   industry andmembranetechnology industry to investigate the practical application ofceramic membrane technology in Hebi Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant.

       Firstly, the expert team visited the plant area and wastewater treatment process, and checked carefully about the practical application of ceramic membrane with a field test. They got a comprehensive knowledge about the plant running state, running cost and the current problems after putting the ozone ceramic membrane + biological activated carbon technology into operation. Then, expert team hold a meeting with leaders of water plant in meeting room.

       Wang Zhiguo, Vice Manager of Hebi Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant firstly introduced the plant’s development history, plant scale and treatment process at the meeting. Professor of Tsinghua-Kangda Research Institute of Environment Nano-Engineering & Technology, Zhang Xihui introduced nano-ceramic membrane technology as well as the situation after its plot application in the plant.

       Following the introductions, experts put forward problems and operation suggestions in terms of ceramic membrane technology production and application in Hebi Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant. Through this investigation, craftsmen of the plant had sufficient communication with experts. It not only deepened their understanding of ceramic membrane, but also promoted the level of the plant’s operation management.