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Kangda International Reelected “the Listed Company in 2016 with the Most Investment Value in the Chi

      On March 23, the star enterprises from the Water Sector nationwide gathered in Beijing as scheduled to attend the 2017 15thWater Sector Strategic Forum which was co-sponsored by the E20 Environmental Platform and China CITIC Bank. At the meeting, the award-winning enterprises of the 2016 Water Sector Enterprises Selection Activity which attracted the attention of the environmental protection industry were unveiled, among which Kangda International was selected as “the Listed Company in 2016 with the Most Investment Value in the Chinese Water Sector” again with its outstanding performance by means of its advantages in terms of technology, capital, operation and management.
      At the section of “Discussions about the Way of Commerce by Excellent Enterprises,” Wang Litong, Executive Director and Vice President of Kangda International, joined hands with senior officials of five well-known enterprises including Tianjin Entrepreneurship to present an in-depth dialogue about the industrial core business model with the theme of “excavation, inheritance and communication” on behalf of Kangda International.

      In virtue of the powerful technology, rich operating experience and strong capital advantages, Kangda International exhibits excellent performance, thus attracting the attention of the industry. We believe that with the constant efforts of the leaders and staff at all levels of the Group, as well as the support of all walks of the society and cooperative partners, Kangda International will like a brilliant ship plough through rolling waves and leave a more magnificent chapter in the history.