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Zhang Weizhong, Chairman of Kangda EP Group and Wang Litong, the Vice Chairman Visit the Harbin Qunl

      In the afternoon of February 21, 2017, Zhang Weizhong, Chairman of Kangda EP Group and Wang Litong, the Vice Chairman and their panel visited the Harbin Qunli Wastewater Treatment Plant (hereinafter referred to as “Harbin Qunli Plant”) for inspection. Mao Qing, Plant Manager, Liu Yanqiu, Chief Financial Officer of northeast China, Dai Chunwei, Vice Plant Manager and Ma Xiaogang and other relevant leaders accompanied the guests and also made a work report.

      Chairman Zhang and his panel, against the heavy wind and snow, visited to the construction site of upgrading and expansion project for inspection of preparatory work, and listened to the work reports concerning enclosure construction, comprehensive building demolition, transfer of power and heat exchange station. Later on, they looked over the production and operation situations and highly appraised the Harbin Qunli Plant for its upgrading and expansion project and smooth operational management. Followed by on-site inspection, the “Production, Operation and Smooth Implementation of Upgrading and Expansion Project” working conference was held at the temporary office. At the conference, leaders put forward the following requirements:
      1. Project company should not only be a responsible employer, providing such services as investment, technology, construction and operational management related to the project, but also be a good steward for investors. Employer and general contractor should perform their respective duties and responsibilities.
      2. Project company should carry forward the spirit of taking initiative in the course of reform, and actively explore advanced system and procedure and put them into practice. For instance, bidding works, technical parameters put forward by designer or bidding document (technical section included) should be verified and approved by the project company or its administrative unit.
     3. The upgrading and expansion project should be advanced in a rapid manner to form the new treatment capacity as soon as possible. Meanwhile, safe and stable operation of Phase I should be ensured, winning the honor for Kangda EP Group and playing a better active role in water environmental treatment of Harbin and facilitating the sustainable development of the western urban area.