About Us

Liu Yujie

  Ms. Liu Yujie (劉玉杰), aged 59, was graduated from University of International Business and Economic (對外經濟貿易大學) located in Beijing and obtained a master degree in business administration. Ms. Liu Yujie has been working in Hong Kong, Singapore and the PRC for over 20 years in total and is familiar with the business environment and regulatory system of the three places. She has comprehensive experience in capital market, business promotion and corporate management, participated in IPO and underwriting of over 30 companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, led and completed merger and acquisition of three companies in Hong Kong and Singapore, assisted capital raising and management of large-scale industrial fund for investment in the PRC, and acted as executive directors of listed companies in Hong Kong and Singapore which engaged in utilities and infrastructure investment. Currently, she is also an executive director of New Universe Environmental Group Limited (stock code: 436), a non-executive director of China Water and an independent non-executive director of Zhongyu Gas Holdings Limited (stock code: 3633), which are listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. She joined the Group in 2019.