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Strengthen the Training on Fire-fighting Knowledge, Enhance the Awareness of Fire Safety

----------The group holds 2019 Fire Safety Training and Drill


      “Safety First, Prevention Foremost”. In order to constantly enhance the awareness of fire safety of all employees of the headquarters, improve their abilities in quick reaction, emergency disposal, fire protection, self-rescue and emergency evacuation and further acquire the knowledge on fire safety and the use of fire-fighting equipment, the headquarters and Chongqing Yugao Real Estate Administration Co., Ltd. jointly conducted the training on fire-fighting knowledge and skills as well as drills on the afternoon of November 12.


      Drillmaster Ding Songlin from Chongqing Zheng’an Fire Prevention Knowledge Publicity Center was invited to give a lecture. At the site, through news, accident analysis and on-site demonstration, Mr. Ding broadcast and illustrated major fire accidents in recent years. The shocking images and figures shocked all participants, making them deeply understand the importance that hidden dangers are more dangerous than open fire, and prevention outstrips disaster relief. Afterwards, in combination with knowledge on the use of power, gas and fire in daily work and life, he introduced the causes and consequences of accidents, specifically explained the self-protection, self-rescue and escape skills after a fire happened, and also introduced different fire extinguishers by type and function. The drillmaster gave the lecture in vivid and attractive voice and affection in combination with real cases in daily life, achieving good education effects.


      After training, all participants, led by Mr. Ding and professional staff of Chongqing Yugao Real Estate Administration Co., Ltd., conducted the emergency drill of fire evacuation and escape. The training and drill has further enhanced the awareness of fire safety of all employees and improved their abilities in self-protection and self-rescue to prevent and dispose fire accidents.