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Clean and Transform Garbage Houses to Clean up the Plant Completely

-----------Report on Routinization of Cleaning Activities of Sewage Treatment Plant in Western Urban Wenzhou

      On November 15, 2019, Yu Gang, General Manager of Wenzhou Chuangyuan Water Co., Ltd., and the Vice-General Manager Yang Kai led a group again to have a concentrated and large-scale cleaning in garbage houses in the Plant and their surroundings and also made transformation plans of the houses to thoroughly solve the difficult problem that people litter and leave garbage about and the problem that some garbage is difficult to deal with and others, so as to continue to implement the plant system of Responsibilities and Requirements for Post Safety and Sanitation Areas of Responsibility, realize the routinization and whole-staff-participation of cleaning activities in the Plant and consolidate the existing achievements in cleaning work of the Plant.

      Although the garbage produced in the process of sewage treatment was extremely smelly, all participating people, wearing masks and with brooms, shovels, carts and other tools in hands, were sweeping the silver sands and fibrous matter scattered around garbage houses into trucks and concentrated them in the garbage dump in the overall process, representing their spirit of "not be afraid of being dirty, smelly and tired." The surroundings of the garbage houses are overgrown with weeds. They are prone to breed mosquitoes and attract snakes and rats at night, which not only brings great difficulties to garbage cleaning and transportation, but also poses great risks to the safety of staff' lives and property. To completely solve such problems, people of the Plant, adhering to the principle of reducing cost and improving economic benefit, worked together to weed, clean and transport garbage and pour and flat cement based on the transformation plan in an enthusiastic atmosphere, performing like professional removers and cementers. 
      When the sun was going down, its afterglow shone in the Plant area. After one day of non-stop efforts, a concrete road was completed, lying visibly in front of the garbage houses, with the weeds in the surroundings completely removed. The long-standing problems were completely solved. Seeing the achievements, everybody was quite joyful, and their joyfulness was obviously shown in their eyes. 
      This activity is the third in-depth cleaning activity led by the main leaders of Wenzhou Chuangyuan Water Co., Ltd. and participated by all the staff since this year. It has highly reflected Chuangyuan's implementation of the plant system of Responsibilities and Requirements for Post Safety and Sanitation Areas of Responsibility. Through this activity, not only good productive and working environments in Chuangyuan have been created, but also all the staff members have deeply felt the strong plant atmosphere where all the people work to clean up the plant.