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————Kangda Group Organizes Charitable Donation for Employee Injured by a Car Accident

      On November 16, 2019, Zhang Haiyan, an employee of Dongying Plant of Kangda Group, and her family were seriously injured in a tragic large truck rear-end collision accident on an expressway in Binzhou, Shandong. Although Zhang Haiyan and her family members received emergency rescue at the hospital, Zhang Haiyan, who is currently in the intensive care unit, has been in a coma due to severe closed craniocerebral injury, and her infant daughter is also in a semi-coma and the situation is very critical.

      Since the traffic accident is still under treatment, all medical expenses of the injured have to be paid by themselves. Zhang Haiyan's family has spent all savings to pay for the expense of intensive care unit which spends over RMB 10,000 per day, and now her family cannot bear the costs of continuous rescue and follow-up treatment. It has become a top priority to raise funds to rescue young lives and save the family! 
      The traffic accident is merciless, but Kangda Group will help this family with love and warm heart! After hearing the news, leaders of Kangda Group immediately instructed the trade union to launch an initiative to all employees and took the lead in donation. All employees of Kangda Group also actively responded to the initiative and donated for Zhang Haiyan and her family, fully showing Kangda's good enterprise culture of being charitable, interdependent and harmonious. With joint efforts by all employees, Kangda Group has raised over RMB 220,000 within two days. When Li Xin'ai, General Manager of Dongying Plant and Ming Chunguo, Chief Financial Officer of Weifang Plant brought the donation and the care of leaders to Zhang Haiyan's family, they expressed their gratitude to the care of leaders and the selfless contribution of employees of Kangda Group!
      Although Zhang Haiyan is still in a coma, she is slightly better after the hospital's treatment. Her husband and daughter have been discharged from hospital after surgery.
      Everything in the world continues reproduction in an endless succession, and the love of human beings remains unbroken. Employees of Kangda Group have expressed their love and care for the injured colleague and her family through practical actions, demonstrating Kangda Group's kindness of "trouble on one side, help from all sides" and "love is boundless and everlasting"!