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"Consolidating Foundation, Raising Sources, Reducing Expenses" to Promote Enterprise's Steady and Healthy Development

The Group's Annual Conference on Water Affairs Operation, Project Construction and Financial Management Held in Nanjing


      From December 23 to 24, 2019, the Group's annual conference on water affairs operation, project construction and financial management was grandly held in Nanjing Juanheng Hotel. The conference was attended by over 130 people including Group leaders such as Li Zhong, President of Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP), Xiao Aiguo, Vice President of Kangda EP, and Duan Linnan, CEO of Kangda EP, as well as deputy chief engineers of the Group, the directors of all functional departments and centers, as well as the deputy directors, assistant directors, deputy general managers, assistant general managers and secretaries responsible for related businesses, general managers and chief financial officers of each operating company, and managers of various project departments.
      The conference was chaired by CEO Duan Linnan, President Li Zhong addressed the conference, and Vice Presidents Xiao Aiguo, Tao Hua, Fang Xuequan and Zhou Wei briefed the conference on the prominent problems, improvement measures and promotion methods in their respective charge. President Li Zhong firstly congratulated the smooth convening of this conference, and meanwhile reported Kangda Group's current overall operation. He mentioned that: Since China Water Affairs Group Limited entered Kangda in April 2019, influenced by the external environment and its own problems, Kangda Group is still in trouble although its business condition is generally good. We must forge ahead with firm confidence. Meanwhile, he stressed that the Group's overall working concept in 2020 is "consolidating foundation, raising sources, and reducing expenses."

      Qu Xiangping, Deputy Director of the Group's Finance Department, Hu Song, Deputy Director of the General Department, Wang Jian, Director of the Internal Audit Department, and Wen Wei, Director of the Investment Development Department, respectively delivered thematic reports to the conference on Financial Work Control Requirements, Relevant Requirements for Price Adjustment in Water Affairs Operation, Purpose and Development of Internal Audit, and Group Investment Ideas and Investment Management Requirements. At 16:00 p.m., the first phase of the conference ended. The participants were grouped as per the project business relationship and then started group discussion on the topics of "water affairs operation price adjustment", "project construction to operation" and "post-audit pricing principle," making self-analysis and getting straight to the point. At 19:30 p.m., professional exchanges were carried out in the fields of water affairs operation, project construction, and financial management. The participants enthusiastically spoke up and actively offered suggestions, with the conference lasting until late at night.     

      The next day, focusing on the issues of safe operation, process technology, equipment maintenance, standard discharge, operation charge, post-audit pricing and the like existing in water affairs operation management, the conference invited Group leaders, heads of technology and operation departments, manager representatives of operating companies, as well as specialists of Jinda Water such as Yang Yun and Wang Chunlei to deliver special reports in their respective professions. The special reports include Emergency Preparedness, 2020 Equipment Overhaul and Replacement, Discussion on Management and Attention of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Enterprises, Taking Multiple Measures to Ensure the Completion of Charging Targets. The passionate speeches of the representatives aroused great resonance among all the participants, and were welcomed by rounds of applause. President Duan made precise comments on each representative's speech. After listening carefully to the representatives' speeches, President Li Zhong made a wonderful concluding speech.

      The 2-day annual working conference was successfully concluded in a positive and upward atmosphere. The factory directors and managers present at the conference are full of confidence in the future development of Kangda Group and highly approve of a series of measures formulated by the leaders of the Group, such as adhering to the main business of water affairs operation, consolidating foundation, raising sources, reducing expenses, lowering costs and increasing efficiency, and rationally adjusting water prices. This conference puts forward a feasible development direction for Kangda EP in the future: making full use of existing resources to take advantage of the situation and do controllable things; treating core assets well and focusing on core competencies; optimizing the capital structure of the Group company as much as possible; properly saving energy and reducing consumption, improving enterprise benefits and promoting Kangda's steady and sound development.