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Achieve Epidemic Prevention and Safety Production --On Epidemic Prevention Check of Rushan Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

[Text by Li Chao from Rushan Kangda Water]

      On February 1, 2020, in accordance with the instructions of Rushan Municipal Leading Team on Responding to the Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, relevant leaders of Rushan Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development visited Rushan Kangda Water Co., Ltd. to inspect its epidemic prevention and the operation and treatment of the plant. Vice Plant Manager Duan Yingwei introduced the company's actions for epidemic prevention and control in detail through multimedia means, including LED screen and WeChat.
      Rushan Kangda Water has strengthened the publicity of matters needing attention during the epidemic prevention and control, and contacted in many ways to procure disinfectant for disinfection of working areas at each shift every day. All employees must wear protective equipment, such as masks. The plant's entrance is closed and visitors are not allowed to enter. Employees' health has been monitored and reported regularly. Good results have been achieved. 

      The Inspection Team also checked employees' wearing of protective equipment and whether the water quality meets the standard after treatment. The Team fully recognized the company's work on epidemic prevention and control, and greatly praised that the company guaranteed the stable production and up-to-standard discharge during the epidemic prevention and control. Meanwhile, it required the company to carry out all prevention and control work and ensure the physical and mental health of all employees according to the Emergency Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control of Industrial Enterprises in Rushan (Tentative). For the issues raised by Rushan Kangda Water, including shortage of epidemic prevention supplies and that agentia necessary for the plant operation cannot enter Rushan, the Team will report to the superior department as soon as possible to coordinate and solve such problems, and guarantee the company's stable and up-to-standard production during the harsh period.