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Build up Confidence, Promote Production, and Win the Battle against Epidemic!

        Since the early spring of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread across China. In order to implement the spirits of relevant documents of the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and county governments on strengthening the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, implement the epidemic prevention and control work earnestly, protect the health and life safety of employees, and maintain the normal operation of water plants, Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP) has actively promoted production, comprehensively and seriously performed industrial and urban sewage treatment and pollutant discharge within the administrative area in accordance with relevant standards, striven to keep the progress of projects under construction, and required all local water plants to strictly strengthen sewage treatment and control, so as to make due contributions to the battle of epidemic prevention and control.
        Faced with the Epidemic, Leaders of Kangda EP Take the Lead to Work on the Front Line of Production

        As the hard core of the environmental protection industry, Kangda EP has always been observing the professional integrity, and fighting at the forefront of the epidemic prevention and control. During the COVID-19 outbreak, Chairman Li Zhong and leaders at all levels have visited the front-lines of production and construction, ensuring the safety and stability of Kangda's production and construction.
        On the 28th day of the 12th lunar month of 2019, Duan Linnan, President of Kangda EP, visited the front-line employees in the water plants in Xinzheng Area, and on the New Year's eve of 2020, he went to the water plants in Shangqiu Area and expressed warm regards to the employees who stuck to the front line of epidemic prevention and control on the occasion of the Spring Festival. As protective supplies are badly needed in this period, President Duan brought protective materials such as medical protective masks to the front-line employees to protect their health and ensure that none of them would be infected. After learning about the production and operation of the water plants, safety precautions during the Spring Festival, and shifts of front-line employees, Duan urged leading officials to perform their duties with due diligence, and employees on duty to strengthen inspection on epidemic prevention and control, seek to maintain the normal operation of the water plants, and implement security work seriously during the Spring Festival. In addition, he stressed that all people shall attach greater importance to self-protection, self-health and the health of family members amid the severe epidemic in order to have a safe, peaceful and happy Spring Festival.
        Guarantee safe construction and push for completing projects on time. Leaders of Kangda EP have taken the lead to work on sites of construction projects of Kangda EP. Before the Chinese New Year of 2020, Fang Xuequan, Vice President of Kangda EP, gave up the Spring Festival holiday and went to the site of project in Fendong New Area instead. Zheng Xuebin, Deputy General Manager of the Construction Center, also promptly visited the Fendong project on the second day of the Chinese New Year, pushing the project to be constructed in accordance with and even in advance of the schedule to ensure that the two-step phase-I works of the Fendong project in Taiyuan would be officially connected to water supply in May 2020.
        Front-line Employees Stick to Their Posts to Guarantee Production and Strengthen Their Implementation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

        Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the water plants and construction project departments of Kangda EP in all areas have actively taken measures to fight the war of epidemic prevention and control. They have performed the epidemic prevention and control work comprehensively and effectively step by step with careful deployment, prompt actions, strict implementation and adequate logistic support, and with relevant information delivered unimpededly, so as to realize the stable operation of sewage treatment equipment and facilities, ensure that the discharge of effluent meets related standards, guarantee the normal operation of urban water systems, and protect the health and safety of common people in this area, thereby fulfilling the missions and responsibilities that environmental protection enterprises are shouldering in the war of epidemic prevention and control.
        During the epidemic, the front-line employees of the water plants of Kangda EP at all levels from south to north China including Shandong and Henan areas, the Northern Area, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Guangzhou and other places have been actively working to ensure that the discharge of sewage meets relevant standards. Officials and employees at all levels of the water plants have enhanced the organizational leadership, established the mechanism for epidemic prevention and control, performed the duties of corresponding posts and actively realized the grid-based full coverage. Moreover, they have also strengthened the process control, the tail water disinfection and monitoring frequency of effluent indicators, positively implemented the system of reporting the epidemic situation daily, and smoothed the information communication channels. Meanwhile, all water plants have proactively intensified the publicity and investigation to guarantee the supply of epidemic prevention materials, such as the masks, protective garments, ethanol for disinfection and disinfectant. Relevant departments of all water plants have striven to coordinate with each other to respond to the epidemic in an optimistic attitude, so as to truly assure on-post staff of the protection safety.
        In terms of the personnel management, all water plants have strengthened the management and monitoring through practical acts, and improved the ability of emergency prevention and control. Furthermore, on the basis of ensuring a good health and safe work of on-post staff, all water plants have tried the best to optimize the system of "post and shift transfer" in a scientific manner, which means that the routine system of "three shifts a day" has been adjusted to the shift system of "1*24 hours" to furthest control the personnel movement and contact risk, as well as ensure the health of staff in water plants.
      Overall Planning and Supervision - Governments at All Levels Inspect the Enterprises to Promote the Production

        In order to well prevent and control the COVID-19, effectively cut off the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic, relevant government leaders at all levels paid timely visits to all water plants and project departments of Kangda EP to send sincere care to all on-post staff. With the overall planning and supervision, the health and safety of on-post staff of all enterprises and the rolling victory of enterprises in fighting against the epidemic have been guaranteed.
        Since the epidemic prevention, leaders of the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Urban Management Bureau and other relevant departments of the CPC municipal committees and municipal governments in Shanxian County, Shangqiu City, Xinzheng City, Gaomi City, Hebi City, Jiaozuo City, Linying County and Weifang City have inspected the front line of Kangda EP to check and instruct the epidemic prevention and control and the production management, as well as delivered batches of materials for epidemic prevention and control to workers on the front line.
        Now, it is in the critical period of epidemic prevention and control and enterprises' production resumption. Leaders from various places have given a high praise of the fearless ownership of all water plants of Kangda EP in epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic work, and requested that as the hard core of the environmental protection industry, Kangda EP shall continue performing well in epidemic prevention and control, actively deal with the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and resumption of production and work, clarify the main responsibilities of water plants in various places, strengthen control measures, and further implement the epidemic prevention and control and safe production in an elaborate and practical manner, so as to provide strong support for the complete triumph over the epidemic.
        "Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes; our responsibility is to prevent and control the COVID-19 and our mission is to shoulder due responsibilities at our post where is also the battle field!" The epidemic situation of COVID-19 is concerned by all of our people all the time, and sounding the alarm of preventing the epidemic for all employees of Kangda EP. All staff of Kangda EP are obliged to fulfill their duties and bravely involve in the battle to safeguard our homeland. With the care and supervision of government leaders at all levels, and the firm support and guidance of leaders of the group company, all water plants and project departments have comprehensively prevented and controlled the COVID-19 in a steadfast and effective manner, whereby the epidemic prevention and control has been meticulously implemented at all levels.
        The arduous efforts have gradually paid off in the epidemic prevention and control. Nevertheless, as the inflection point has not come yet, all staff of Kangda EP shall hold on to make persistent efforts for building an impregnable fortress of epidemic prevention and control with stronger confidence, indomitable will and resolute measures. All Party members and officials at all levels from departments, water plants and project departments shall actively respond to the important instruction proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, that is "standing out at critical moments, and being bold at stake", so as to guard the last ditch of urban sewage treatment, ensure the normal operation of the drainage pipe network of a city, and strive for the final victory!