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Stand We Together, Fight with No Fear

————People of Kangda EP is Fighting the Disease 

       In the Spring Festival of 2020, we risk our lives to fight the virus, and we are rewarded by a full load of love.
       Being ready for the battle, we are writing a song of love, faith and resolution. The brave men and women of Kangda are heading forward, to the war without smoke. 

       [We are ahead of others, stopped not by minor injuries.]

       "At any price, I must do a nice job in the epidemic prevention and control, get the preventive materials ready, and put alcohol, masks and disinfectant in the hand of every employee."

       Yuan Jianguang, General Manager of the Jiaozuo Area company, was not easy at all during this Spring Festival. GM Yuan stayed in the company almost every day during the holiday, taking the lead in disease control and prevention. He made work plans, monitored water index, disinfected water, taught the workers knowledge about disease prevention and check the quality of disinfection of every corner and whether or not the employees wore masks appropriately. He did all the work in person. Thanks to his efforts, every plant of the Jiaozuo Area company has taken a swift response to the outbreak with quality arrangement, support and implementation. As water after treatment has been up to standard from the very beginning of the outbreak, we have been commended by local government for several times in a row after the inspections. 

       Due to constant and heavy workload and insufficient time for rest, GM Yuan sprained his waist while moving the preventive materials. He refused the doctor's suggestion to get in-hospital treatment, when he thought of the pressing situation and the employees still fighting the virus. He snatched up a bottle of painkiller, put up his coat and went straight back to the company. Without hesitation, he put himself back into the work despite the severe pain on the waist. When everyone is talking about "stay safe at home", Yuan chose to be the man putting himself in harm's way, being the constant source of encouragement for the employees.

       [The Call of Duty -- Mission of Soldier in War Against Virus]

       "I am a soldier, moreover, a member of the Communist Party of China." The country needs me, the company needs me, I will answer the call and win the war."

       Jin Debiao, General Manager (Plant Director) of Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant of Hebi City, is an honorable soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He used to serve in the 41st Division, 14th Army of Kunming Military Command, fighting in the Sino-Vietnamese War and Battle of Laoshan in 1979 and 1984 respectively. As a soldier who shed blood in the war, he is a man of a straightforward, principled and preserved personality.

       GM Jin always stays ahead during the battle against the virus as a pioneer of Party members. Since the local government began the emergency plan on January 24, 2020 (Chinese New Year's Eve), with concern for his company, he works as hard as medical workers to brave the virus at this crucial time. When most employees went back home for the Spring Festival, Jin resolutely gave up the chance of family reunion and stayed in the company to make prevention and contingency plans, and organized the workers in the plant to prepare for the outbreak, putting in place the idea of "take the responsibility, duty and accountability when safeguarding our territory". Faced with the shortage of masks and other preventive materials, he distributed the masks given by his daughter to the staff on duty and brought his own first-aid case, alcohol, and digital thermometer to the company. During the outbreak, what concerns him is the safety of every employee. As a person in charge of the company, he shows the lofty ambition of an old Party member with 40-year's standing. In the battle against the virus, he fulfilled the oath of "I will answer the call to fight, until I win the war." He is a soldier who truly follows the command of the Party and devotes himself to the cause of the people.

       [Fulfil My Duty to Ensure People's Safety]

       "I won't go back home this year to see my mom. The company needs me. Please go back with our daughter and pay my respect to the elderlies."

       Cheng Shuai is the Director of the Operation Department of Jining Kangda EP Water Co., Ltd. On January 24, 2020, China's New Year's Eve, while the whole company was on vacation, he, however, could hardly put his guard off. Faced with the severe outbreak of COVID-19, the central and local governments responded swiftly and adopted increasingly strict approaches to epidemic prevention and control. According to his former plan, he would go back home with his mom to get together with the family. He, however, decided to stay at the post in the pressing situation. He explained the situation to his mom, wife and children lest they would be upset.
       On the New Year's Eve, Cheng was busy working on epidemic prevention plans and contingency plans, leaving the office very late in the night. On the first day of the lunar year, he rushed back to the company early in the morning, without saying all was well to his wife, to deal with the system abnormity caused by irregular water inflow.

       In face of the increasingly severe outbreak, Cheng followed the instructions of the company and accomplished all the tasks in disease prevention and control to the best of his ability. In the meanwhile, he worked alongside other staff to ensure the safety of the workers on duty. Since the fourth day on the lunar calendar, he has been living in the company, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. When asked why not taking a break at home, he said, "I just want to fulfil my duty to let go the worries of my leaders and colleagues." Plain words give a glimpse of his merit. 

       [A Heroine, A Mother]

       "I am not afraid of the virus, as I am blessed by my baby. I want to be a gatekeeper to ensure the quality of water treatment at the final checkpoint." 

       There is a heroine in Meiling Factory, Jining. Xun Jingjing is head of the testing team of Meiling Factory. Five-month pregnancy, she could have stayed safe at home waiting for the birth of the baby during the outbreak. Nonetheless, outbreak is her order and epidemic control her duty. In face of the severe outbreak, she gave up the holiday and fight the virus 24 hours together with her team members.

       She understood that she can't relax at this critical time. Despite the sickness during pregnancy, she took the job even more serious than before. Fearing neither hardship nor tiredness, she overcame the difficulties of a pregnant woman and stayed in the company to watch the quality of water treatment, ensuring safe water supply during the outbreak. She has been providing strong support to win the battle. 

       [Swear to be a Butler with Love and Kindness]

       "I must fulfil my duty to get you masks, otherwise I feel guilty." 

       Dubbed the "butler" of the water plant, Huang Wenbo works for the General Department of Jiaxiang Plant. Since the beginning of the outbreak, Huang took the initiative to ensure the supply materials. He left no stone unturned to procure disinfectant and equipped the workers with masks, protective overalls, safety glasses and other protective stuff. The staff on duty said that he always saw Huang charged his phone with a power bank walking back and forth in the corridor, calling the mask and disinfectant suppliers. They joked, "It seems that you are even busier than the boss." He said: "If I can't get you masks, I feel guilty!"
       In charge of logistics service, the General Department is the "butler" of our water plant. In the climax of the outbreak, when some workers were stopped at the company gate, Huang immediately arrived there to issue confirmation of working status for them. Few days later, as the government permits were required for entering and leaving the company, Huang took the initiative to contact the government to obtain the official pass. In this way, Huang lifted the restriction at the company gate for the workers.

       The district Management Committee commended the epidemic prevention of the Jiaxiang Plant. The Committee spoke highly of their publicity work, information registration and the supply of preventive materials, setting them the role model for other companies. All those can't be done without Huang's effort. When the company leader praised him, he said humbly: "It's my duty to do the work."

       [To Be an "All-rounder" in the Outbreak] 

       "As a service department, we will serve our workers; four teams work three shifts to ensure production and operation, and we must do our part to make them feel the warm care of the company." 

       Li Hui, an all-rounder, is head of the General Department of Harbin Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant. Being scrupulous, warm and diligent in his work, Li is playing an irreplaceable role in the epidemic prevention and control during the outbreak.
       The virus spread fast across China in the Spring Festival. On the fourth day on the lunar calendar, Li visited every pharmacy of Daoli District to buy digital thermometers and disinfectant for the company to prepare for the outbreak. As thermometers are sold out, he brought his only digital thermometer to the company. In the face of enormous tasks, Li did everything himself for lack of time and men. He taught the security guards how to use the digital thermometer and advised them to take good care of themselves. He explained to the cleaners how to dilute disinfectant. He put masks and alcohol in the hand of every worker and placed hand wash and soap by the basins.
       In Harbin, the city put in place traffic control to cope with the severe situation. To ensure the commute of employees and production of the company, Li took the initiative to contact the Harbin epidemic prevention emergency headquarters and fetched the vehicle pass at the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau. At 22:53 pm that night, he smiled, "Time is enough, I have got to print out the new version of the work permit." He worked till 3 am that day.
       The weekend means getting off work for most people. For Li, however, it means working as normal -- doing paper work, making tables, receiving inspectors at different levels. At the same time, he took the initiative to be a volunteer in the community, working on Sunday to fight the disease for his neighborhood. He understands the trivial details are important things that ensure the safety of employees.

       Protect Our People and Safeguard Our Land
       In the war without smoke, there are the old generation of Kangda EP being persistent and committed as Yuan Jianguang and Jin Debiao do, while there are also young people as hard working and energetic like Cheng Shuai, Xun Jingjing, Huang Wenbo and Li Hui. We will continue to be persistent as the old generations did, and we will pass the resolution and responsibility to the future generations; as ordinary people doing trivial things, we are the gatekeeper safeguarding the water supply and making our people safe and sound; we are taking the role to ensure the right operation of the pipe network, or the blood vessels, of the city.
       We are going to enter the lives of many more Kangda people, to hear their voices, to listen to their stories and to open them a new chapter.