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Fearless Heroines in Harm's Way

      Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) suddenly broke out in this spring. When the whole city pressed the pause button, a group of employees resolutely rose to the challenge. They are mothers, wives and daughters. In the battle against the disease, these strong figures are the heroines in harm's way. 

      [For 20-year Perseverance, She Has Devoted Her Most Beautiful Youth to Kangda EP...] 

      She is Li Wei who has joined Suzhou Branch of Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kangda EP") for nearly 20 years. She always works hard. Kangda EP, like a big family, has witnessed her most beautiful years and perspiration. She didn't make remarkable achievements, but she is down to earth and makes selfless contribution. 
      At the beginning of 2020, faced with the sudden COVID-19 outbreak, Li Wei responded to the call from the superior, gave up the reunion with family and returned to work. She has stuck to her post and fulfilled her duty, revealing the responsibilities and actions of all staff of Kangda EP. 
      Concerning epidemic prevention and control, Li Wei is responsible for taking temperature of visitors, and asking and recording their physical conditions. The direct person-to-person contact means a higher risk. This work is repeated and boring, but she always stands on the frontline and never complains. During this special time, she is a meticulous "inspector". She is strict and dedicated, never perfunctory. She takes everyone's temperature, and leaves no one out. It is these little things that have effectively ensured safety of all staff. She often says, "I am a senior worker of Kangda EP. As I have grown with Kangda EP, I will stand with Kangda EP in difficult times."

      [In This Crucial Time, Carelessness Is Intolerant. Everything Must Be Well Done and Thought Comprehensively to Serve All Staff from Production to Life...】

      She is Xu Qinghua, a backbone member of the Operation Department of Xinzheng Xinkang Water Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xinkang Company"). After the COVID-19 broke out, she, with excellent ability, has played an ordinary yet important role at different posts. 
      Working on the epidemic publicity, she has turned into a "teacher" who tirelessly spreads the knowledge on epidemic prevention and control. She often says, "For the prevention and control of COVID-19, everyone should enable self-protection in life and work as well as during commute. We should avoid going out except working as much as possible. To protect yourself is to protect your family." 
      In terms of production and operation, she has become a "water sample delivery person". The up-to-standard discharge is the ultimate goal of sewage treatment. During the epidemic, the environmental protection administration required the company to report water test indexes every day, especially fecal coliform and residual chlorine. Xinkang Company is not equipped with a laboratory, so the water must be sampled and delivered to the laboratory of the No. 2 Plant of Zhengzhou Xinzhongzhou Water Co., Ltd. The round trip is around 25 kilometers. At that moment, Xu Qinghua undertook that delivery task and commuted between the two plants, regardless of risks. When the equipment broke down, she timely contacted maintenance workers, and made maintenance and spare parts purchasing plans to make sure normal operation of equipment and facilities. 
      During the most difficult period of the COVID-19 prevention and control, she made reasonable adjustments in purchasing outside and meal supply to make employees eat well and healthily.
      These are ordinary trifles, but Xu Qinghua always says, "In this crucial time, carelessness is intolerant. Everything must be well done and thought comprehensively to serve all staff from production to life." 

      [I Am a Senior Worker. It Is My Duty! ...】

      She is Zhao Hui, a laboratory technician of Qidu Plant. She has joined Kangda EP for several years. 
      During the epidemic, in order to ensure up-to-standard discharge and safe operation of each process, laboratory technicians have been faced with heavier work. As a senior worker, Zhao Hui has worked hard and finished all tasks excellently. To ensure that the coliform in effluent fecal would reach the standard, and not have an impact on the downstream Taigong Lake, she braved the cold wind to conduct the comparative analysis at the outlet for as long as three hours without any complaint, even if her hands and feet got numb due to coldness. In order to acquire accurate data on outlet water quality, Zhao Hui often worked overtime to do tests till the night, but she never complained, either. For her hard work, she only said, "I am a senior worker. It is my duty."

      ["Steel Roses" Sisters Escort Weihai Kangda Through Finance and Taxation Work...]

      They two, Wei Mingfang and Jiang Hongna, are well-known as the "Steel Roses" Sisters in the Accounting Department of Weihai Kangda.
      During the epidemic, the two sisters, sticking to their posts every day, successfully finished all the work assigned by the Finance Department of Weihai Kangda, and made joint efforts with the accounting firm to compile the 2019 Audit Report, performing their duties as excellently as their male peers. They actively took the lead in reporting the income and expenditure statement of feasible funds, provided the financial audit information of Weihai Kangda, implemented the relevant policies related to the postponement of social security funds and provident fund payment according to the national policy, handled the tax deferred payment online based on the relevant policy, and paid taxes in strict accordance with the requirements of Weihai Kangda. In their ordinary posts, Wei Mingfang and Jiang Hongna completely dedicated themselves to their work and made their contributions to the normal operation of the finance and taxation work of Weihai Kangda...
      [I Don't Want to Show up As I Haven't Done Much Work. I Just Hope That What I Have Done Can Help the Plant and the People a Little...] 
      Her name is Hu Tingting and she serves as the manager of the General Management Department of Wenzhou Chuangyuan Water Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wenzhou Chuangyuan"). She is responsible for the implementation of all the administrative work in the Manager Office of Wenzhou Chuangyuan. During the outbreak of COVID-19, Hu Tinging, putting her own family and her own safety aside temporarily, energetically assisted the Manager Office to implement prevention and control measures, sticking to her post in the front line during the whole period.
      To prevent COVID-19 outbreak in residences in the area of Wenzhou Chuangyuan, Hu Tingting gave up her leave on her initiative, immediately organized the employees to set up an emergency plan for epidemic prevention and issued a series of emergency measures. She and her colleagues strictly conducted daily employee health check and on-duty staff temperature monitoring, and deployed disinfection and sterilization work during the epidemic, for which they kept records every day. Before the cleaners resumed work, Hu Tingting led the employees of Wenzhou Chuangyuan to carry out disinfection and sterilization work by themselves in the public areas, including passageways, corridors, bathrooms, elevators, restaurants and dormitories, making all-out efforts to stop the virus. 
      Due to the severity of the epidemic and its long duration, some manufacturers had delayed the resumption of work, a lot of checkpoints had been set up in transportation and the traffic had been controlled, which resulted in Wenzhou Chuangyuan's critical shortage in sodium acetate, sodium hypochlorite, polyaluminum chloride and other chemicals that were needed for normal operation and production. Therefore, Wenzhou Chuangyuan faced great challenges in effluent discharge. Promptly, Hu Tingting fully cooperated with the Manager Office to smoothly solve the shortage and ensure that the materials could arrive on time. At the height of the epidemic, Hu Tingting, regardless of her own safety, went out frequently to contact the relevant departments such as the Traffic Enforcement Bureau, the Health Committee, and the Traffic Police Detachment to get special permits for vehicles in the shortest time, thereby providing continuous momentum to the normal operation of Wenzhou Chuangyuan, and avoiding risks arising from stagnant production and substandard effluent discharge.
      In face of the shortage of materials due to the sudden COVID-19 outbreak, Hu Tingting spared no effort to contact the relevant departments day and night, allocated masks, disinfectant, alcohol and other epidemic prevention materials and distributed them to every employee on duty, with the aim to guarantee the health and life safety of front-line employees. 

      "We are proud of you and Kangda is proud of you!" 
      In addition to them, there are still many other "steel roses" fighting in the front line of our battle against the epidemic. They are interpreting the pioneering and exemplary role of being a person engaged in environmental protection work and a key member on their posts with their unique temperament of women and tenacious character. Although they are only ordinary members of Kangda Group, faced with the great challenges in the special spring of 2020, they march forward bravely in the front line of epidemic prevention and their contributions to the battle have moved and encouraged all of us and all of the employees of Kangda Group.