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Qidu Plant Organizes Staff to Carry out Fire Drill

[Text by Zhu Yingli from Qidu Plant] 

      On the morning of May 29, 2020, Qidu Plant organized all staff to carry out a fire emergency drill themed by "Eliminate Potential Safety Hazard and Consolidate Safety Defense Line", aiming to make a further improvement in staff's safe production awareness and ability to cope with emergencies. 
      At 8 a.m., the fire drill alarm sounded, officially launching the fire contingency plan. Five rescue teams responded to that immediately. The post support team urgently deployed vehicles and had relief supplies prepared; the evacuation team lost no time in evacuating fire-affected workers who were guided to cover mouths and noses with wet towels and bend over to prevent smoke poisoning when moving ahead based on the escape route; the firefighting team analyzed fire type and the ignition source after arriving at the fire scene, and use appropriate fire extinguishers to roll out firefighting according to the fire type; the safety rescue team took the corresponding first aid measures for the wounded who were quickly delivered to a safety zone; the vigilance team cordoned off the area after the fire was extinguished so as to maintain the original site for fire cause investigation conducted by the investigation team. 
      During the drill, participants took a serious attitude towards studying and cooperation and made a comprehensive analysis and summary of the cause of the fire with the rescue leading team taking the lead, which laid a solid foundation for the future safe production.