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Reinforce Base and Strengthen Safety Foundation

——————Chongqing Kangda EP approved for the extension of the Work Safety License

      For construction enterprises, the work safety license is not only a necessary document for their work safety but also an important guarantee for their qualification upgrading, market expansion and bidding. So its importance is self-evident. The Administrative Provisions on the Work Safety License of Construction Enterprises requires licensed enterprises to apply for the license review to the municipal commission of housing and urban-rural development every three years. 
      As the state raises higher requirements on enterprises' work safety, this year's review is stricter, because relevant information and materials must be submitted. The former includes the structure of the safety department, the number of safety officers and special operation staff as well as their certificates, and the payment of social insurance and employment injury insurance. The latter includes the standardized assessment results of work safety in the recent three years, self-assessment reports, work safety accidents in the recent three years as well as punishments and notices of criticism concerning work safety by the construction authority.
      In order to ensure a successful extension of the work safety license, group leaders attached great importance, and in early March, required the General Department to work closely with relevant departments including construction, human resources and finance to carefully collect and prepare application materials for timely submitting. Our joint efforts have paid off and we have provided a satisfactory result. Our company passed the strict review and approved for the extension of the work safety license to June 2023 by Chongqing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Construction Bureau of Liangjiang New Area.
      The approval and recognition for the license extension by housing and construction authorities at both municipal and district levels have fully demonstrated that our safety management system is being increasingly established, standardized and improved under the correct guidance of group leaders. Taking this opportunity, the group company will further strengthen the entity responsibility for work safety, strictly implement the accountability system for work safety to guarantee the company's stable and sound development as well as the normal operation of production and business activities. Meanwhile, this review has clearly disclosed our existing problems in our safety management. We should heed the lessons, carefully reinforce the standardized management of work safety and constantly improve the work safety management system. We should always bear in mind that safety is the top priority and keep ringing the alarm bell in safety management.