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Actively Respond to Flood with Precautions

[Text by Qi Min from Zihe Plant]

      The year 2020 is doomed to be extraordinary. The pandemic is not over yet, and the flood season is arriving. 

      Zihe Plant actively carried out flood control work in line with the guideline of "flood control", according to the Notice on Practically Carrying out the Flood Control Work in 2020 issued by the Group. Considering the fact that the plant is located in a low terrain along the river, Zihe Plant further improved the emergency plan for flood control, prepared the flood control materials, and clarified the division of labor, aiming to make advance deployment, preparation and frequent inspection and ensure that the Zihe Plant can get through the flood period. 

      According to the weather forecast, there would be heavy rain and rainstorm in Zibo on July 18. On the afternoon of July 17, Zihe Plant quickly purchased sandbags, spades, life jackets, fire hoses and other flood control materials as replenishment. The on-duty staff was organized to fill sandbags, build retention wall under the hot sun, and take protective measures for key areas such as the switching room. The plant took precautions for security reasons to ensure that it can weather the storm.