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Fighting the Flood and Protect the Environment

      Currently, China has entered a crucial period of flood control. The Poyang Lake Basin is up against the severest flood damage since 1998. At 4 p.m. on July 12, the state upgraded the third-level flood control emergency response to the second-level. General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction on further flood control and disaster relief: "At present, China has entered a crucial period of flood control. Party committees and governments at all levels are called to undertake responsibilities, go deep into the frontline to guide flood control work and make all-out efforts in emergency rescue and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

      In the face of the flood disaster, Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP) has actively responded by making plans ahead. The flood control team led by the director of each plant has been established to specify duty, check hidden dangers, organize materials for flood control. The team, with the aim to ensure faultless flood control, is also responsible for implementing the watch system and ensuring 24-hour monitoring.

Jixi County Urban Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd., located in Jixi County, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, directly went through the flood attack during the flood season. In 2020, Jixi County underwent a flood season earlier than previous years. Since early June, it has been raining constantly in Jixi County, which led to the continuing high water level of the Yangzhi River. In light of this, all staff of the Jixi Plant has kept alert at all times. The leadership has taken turns on duty round the clock to closely follow the variation in the water level of the river. Operation teams are required to increase the frequency of inspection and immediately report rising water levels. As all staff act in close coordination, the plant kept running smoothly all the time.

      Defense, however, is well-nigh impossible against disaster sometimes. From July 6, 2020, heavy rain across Jixi County resulted in torrential floods in many places. At 3 a.m. on July 7, the water level of the Yangzhi River rose sharply, flooding a couple of villages, roads and farmlands along the way and destroying water supply and power supply facilities at several sites. At 4 a.m., the transmission line tower outside Jixi Plant was knocked down by the flood, leading to a power outage across the plant. All equipment stopped service and the upgrading pumping station of inlet water was submerged by the flood later on. After the sudden incident, Jixi Plant immediately launched an emergency plan for major environmental incidents. All the employees lost no time in returning to the plant to carry out the emergency rescue despite all kinds of difficulties. Drawing on the available resources, the plant organized staff to pump accumulated water out of the lift pump room. At 2 a.m. on July 8, the lift pumps finally showed above the top of the water. Under the leadership of the plant, staff immediately disassembled the three lift pumps and sent them to the professional motor repair shop for cleaning and drying. At the same time, spare motors were installed. After 30 hours of effort, on July 8, the first spare motor was installed at 7 a.m., and normal operation was resumed at 5 p.m. To guarantee the normal operation of the plant, exhausted male employees continue to throw themselves into the urgent repair of the second lift pump without taking a break. On the evening of July 9, the second lift pump was put into service, and at 9 p.m. on July 9, after the lift pump room was cleaned up, the environmental sanitation took on a new look. Located 22 meters underground, the upgrading pump station of Jixi Plant is dominated by a dark, moist and dirty environment. Even so, every official and worker pull together without care about dirty and tiredness to resume production in the shortest time, aiming to reduce the company's loss to the minimum and achieve victory in the fight against the flood.

      The flood is merciless, but the world is full of love. When a disaster strikes in one location, help comes from all quarters. The battle against floods in Jixi Plant is only a small miniature of Kangda's thousands of officials and workers who fought in the front line of sewage treatment. Every employee in Kangda is writing a paean of environmental protection with youth and passion themed by "protecting lucid waters and lush mountains for the sustainable environment".

      (Relevant materials of the article are provided by Yi Qiangli from Jixi County Urban Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd.)