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Kangda Group President Duan Linnan Guides the Work in Jiaozuo Kangda

      On July 28, Duan Linnan, president of Kangda Group, and his delegation of four people including him inspected and guided the work in Jiaozuo Kangda, accompanied by the general manager of Jiaozuo Kangda Yuan Jianguang.

      Upon arrival at Jiaozuo Kangda, President Duan and his delegation went to the plants to inspect and guide the work there. They checked the online data trend charts of the sewage flowing in and the sewage treated carefully and listened to the detailed introduction of the production run of all the plants by GM Yuan. Duan highly affirmed the on-site management and production run of Jiaozuo Kangda and then urged all people of Jiaozuo Kangda to carry out production well as before to ensure the up-to-standard water discharge of all the plants.

      After that, President Duan and his delegation had a formal discussion with the relevant leaders of Jiaozuo Kangda in a conference room. At the meeting, GM Yuan introduced in detail the work of Jiaozuo Kangda in operation management, Party building, labor union, cultural development, and so on, as well as Jiaozuo Kangda's achievements in these aspects. President Duan said that through the field inspection, he and his delegation truly felt that Jiaozuo Kangda people showed a good spiritual outlook and that Jiaozuo Kangda had done a good job in the standardized management of production and made a lot of achievements in all aspects. Besides, he gave his opinions and suggestions for what Jiaozuo Kangda had done well and the areas needing improvement. He emphasized the following points: first, plan ahead for the work of operation and charging, take the initiative to communicate with the superior departments, maintain the current development momentum and provide guarantees for the stable operation of the enterprise; second, promote the delicacy management of production run and further save energy and reduce consumption.

      The in-depth inspection of President Duan Linnan on Jiaozuo Kangda this time is a full proof of the Kangda Group leaders' concern over the development of Jiaozuo Kangda and their support to it. Under the leadership of Kangda Group, all Jiaozuo Kangda people will adhere to the business and service philosophy of "strengthen the foundations and pursue self-improvement, increase income and reduce expenditure". They will forge ahead with no fear of challenges and hardships and work in a down-to-earth manner to make more achievements. They will surely strive to strengthen the foundations to meet relevant standards while improving its production quality and increasing the efficiency, in an effort to forge Jiaozuo Kangda into a first-class project company within Kangda Group.