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Launching Meeting of Cleaner Production Audit by Xingang Plant of Xinzheng Kangda

[Text by Gao Jing from General Department of Xinzheng Kangda]

       On the morning of August 13, 2020, the sewage treatment plant in the Xingang industrial cluster of Kangda (Xinzheng) Water Co., Ltd. held a Launching Meeting of Cleaner Production Audit.
       Shi Jianli and Li Xicai, chiefs of the Pollution Prevention Department of Xinzheng Branch of Zhengzhou Bureau of Ecology and Environment, delivered speeches respectively. They expressed affirmation for the progress made by Kangda EP in the sewage treatment plant in the Xingang industrial cluster and praised the Xingang Plant as the sewage treatment plant that conducted the operation and debugging at the fastest speed in Xinzheng Area. At the launching meeting, the principal person in charge of Xingang Plant gave an explanation for the importance of carrying out the cleaner production audit and read out the notice on carrying out the cleaner production audit and the establishment of the cleaner production audit organization. 
       As the only industrial sewage treatment plant in Xinzheng that is included in the key enterprises of compulsory cleaner production audit in Henan Province in 2020, Xingang Plant must strictly follow the requirements of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Henan Province to actively carry out cleaner production audit, so as to achieve the goal of energy conservation and consumption reduction, pollutant reduction and efficiency improvement through the current round of cleaner production audit.
       After the meeting, cleaner production auditors of Henan Zhongyuan Environmental Protection Service Co., Ltd. that assisted in the audit conducted the training on the relevant professional knowledge of Cleaner Production and Cleaner Production Audit for whole members of staff. 
       In the following work, all employees of Xingang Plant will do their utmost to carry out cleaner production matter-of-factly. Everyone will play an active part in making a good job in cleaner production and strive for further improvement to reduce cost and increase environmental and economic benefits.