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Drain away the Mud to Benefit Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains

—The visit of nearly 100 university students to Kangda Environmental Protection Water Co., Ltd. 

       The opening of environmental protection facilities to the public is a key component of public participation. The 19th CPC National Congress proposed that eco-environmental protection needs the participation and governance of all people to make China's skies blue again. On September 3, 2020, in an effort to enhance the understanding of the public and attract their attention and support for, and participation in environmental protection, Jiaozuo Branch Company welcomed nearly 100 students from Henan Polytechnic University to visit the sewage treatment plant to deepen their understanding of sewage treatment and awareness of environmental protection.

The students are learning about the sewage treatment 

       From the moment they stepped into the gate of the sewage treatment plant, the students were amazed by the garden-style place. They said it was not a smelly place as they had imagined. Instead, the plant was spick-and-span and has beautiful flowers and grass, without any unpleasant odor.

Director Zhao is explaining to the students the function

       Yuan Jianguang, general manager of Jiaozuo Branch Company, welcomed the students and introduced the history and technological process of the company. Subsequently, Director Zhao Aiping led the students to visit each processing unit.

The students are visiting the A²/O biochemical pool

       Kangda Environmental Protection Water Co., Ltd. adopts treatment processes of three levels. Everywhere they went, Director Zhao explained to the students the function and principle of each structure with simple language, so the students got some knowledge. Domestic sewage from catering, washing, and flushing, and some industrial and medical sewage are collected by municipal pipes and transferred to sewage treatment plants. The sewage first flows into the pre-processing system of the first-level processing unit to have its suspended solid and inorganic grit removed through structures and equipment such as coarse screens, lifting pump stations, fine screens, and vortex-type grit chambers. Then, the sewage flows into the biological treatment system of the second-level processing unit. In the biological tank, the aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic processing eliminates part of the contaminants such as COD, BOD, ammonia nitrogen & total nitrogen, and total phosphorus from the sewage. After that, the sewage enters into the secondary sedimentation tank through the distribution well to separate sludge and water. Then, the liquid supernatant enters the advanced treatment system of the third-level processing unit through the lifting pump in the middle. In the coagulative precipitation tank, agents are added to flocculate the sewage. Afterward, the sewage is filtered and precipitated in the D-type filter tank and is gathered into the disinfection tank. After disinfection, water that meets the standards can be discharged. Part of the reclaimed water is used by enterprises like a power plant as cooling water and used as urban river landscape water or others. The rest of the water is discharged into a river. The sludge is dehydrated by a plate and frame filter press and made into granular fertilizer, which realizes resource utilization.

The students are visiting the sludge plate and frame  

       At the water outlet, the students were amazed by the clear and odorless water, "Amazing! I saw slurry at coarse screens, but it becomes mineral water in an instant." "May I swim in the water?" Some students joked, "It is so clear that I want to have a taste."

 Students are enjoying the beautiful environment of the   

       A student said, "I was not clear about a sewage treatment plant before, but today I know the process of sewage treatment and realize that a sewage treatment plant is the last link of urban water circulation. The operation and efficiency of the plant relate directly to the regional water environment, so the establishment of a sewage treatment plant is significant to water resources and eco-environmental protection." 
       Through the visit, the students have intuitively understood the whole process of sewage treatment and enhanced their understanding of sewage treatment processes, thus realizing the connotation of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". The students promised to act as prophets of environmental protection to urge people around them to protect the environment and cherish water resources, so as to create a social atmosphere under which everyone participates in the environmental protection activities.