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Leaders from the Administration of Ecology and Environment of Haihe River Basin, MEE Visit Jiaozuo Branch Company for Supervision and Guidance

       On September 5, Cui Wenyan, deputy director of the Administration of Ecology and Environment of Haihe River Basin, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, led his team to visit Jiaozuo Branch Company, accompanied by Lyu Qingxing, associate researcher of the Office of Water Ecological Environment, Department of Ecology and Environment of Henan Province, and Yuan Junjiang, associate researcher of the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Jiaozuo. 

       At the central control room, the team was first briefed by Yuan Jianguang, general manager of Jiaozuo Branch Company on the treatment scale, process flow, discharge standard, drainage direction of Jiaozuo First Plant and Jiaozuo Second Plant. Afterward, the team went on a field trip to inspect the equipment operation and discharge of water up to the standard at the two plants.
       The team fully affirmed the contribution of Jiaozuo Branch Company to the ecological environment protection in the Haihe River basin with safe and stable operation and strict discharge standards. Besides, the team heaped praise on the field management and plant environment of the water plant of Jiaozuo Branch Company and encouraged it to make a greater contribution to the eco-environmental protection of the Haihe River basin. The team was accompanied by Zhao Aiping, director of Jiaozuo First Plant, and Wang Xiaobao, director of Jiaozuo Second Plant.