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Leaders from the People's Government of Dong'e County of Shandong Province Visit and Give Guidance to Kangda EP

      Recently, Sun Qihong, deputy secretary of the CPC Dong'e County Committee and mayor of Dong'e County, Zhang Qinghui, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shandong Dong'e Economic Development Zone and director of the Management Committee of Shandong Dong'e Economic Development Zone, Chen Shuguang, director-general of the Business and Investment Promotion Bureau of Dong'e County and director of the Service Center for Business & Investment Attraction and Talent & Knowledge Introduction of Dong'e County, and Chen Yuxin, president of Shandong Dongcai Construction Investment Co., Ltd. visited Chongqing Kangda Environmental Protection Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

      After Sun Qihong and his delegation arrived at Kangda EP, they first came to Kangda EP's Honor Showroom and carefully watched the promotional video of Kangda EP. Through the honors and video, they had a general understanding of the development history of Kangda EP and knew the China Water Affairs Group Limited's development strategy of continuing to extend investment to expand the industry chain of water-related affairs after it became a shareholder of Kangda EP.

      After that, Mayor Sun and his delegation went to the conference room on the sixth floor to meet with Tao Hua, Vice President of Kangda EP, Zhang Qingjie, General Manager of the Construction Center, and Fang Kun, General Manager of Kangda (Dong'e) Water Co., Ltd., as well as Investment Manager of Kangda EP and relevant professionals from the Construction & Marketing Department to have a discussion on a number of projects covering water infrastructure, pipe & network, and water resources development, and to negotiate on cooperation in the phase-II project of Dong'e County Sewage Treatment Plant.

      President Tao first extended a warm welcome to Mayor Sun and other leaders from the People's Government of Dong'e County for they personally came to Kangda EP to investigate in the midst of pressing affairs. Besides, he highly appreciated that the CPC Dong'e County Committee and the People's Government of Dong'e County had continuously improved the business environment and striven to achieve high-quality economic development. Meantime, he stressed that: Dong'e County has famous domestic enterprises, and it boasts location advantages, huge potentials for urban development, and a lot of opportunities for win-win business cooperation. As China Water Affairs Group Limited is the holding company of Kangda EP, Kangda EP hopes to cooperate deeply with the government of Dong'e County not only on sewage treatment projects but also in fields like the integration of water supply and drainage, urban pipe and network construction & operation & maintenance, in order to achieve the extension of the industrial chain and achieve win-win cooperation between the government and the enterprise.
      Subsequently, President Tao shortly reported to the leaders attending the meeting on current Kangda EP-invested projects and Kangda EP's production and operation and expressed the hope that leaders at all levels of the People's Government of Dong'e County would, as always, care about and support the healthy development of Kangda enterprises.
      Then, two sides at the meeting had a detailed discussion on the promotion of the phase-II expansion project in Dong'e County, had in-depth communication on the investment and cooperation in another local sewage treatment project and pipe & network construction, and finally reached a consensus in some areas.
       After carefully listening to the introductions of and discussion between two sides, Mayor Sun and his delegation made brief summary speeches. Also, they fully affirmed what Kangda EP had achieved and sincerely thanked Kangda EP for its contribution to the environmental protection and ecological construction of Dong'e County. Mayor Sun hopes that Kangda EP will continue to do a good job in sewage treatment and discharge according to the increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements of the country and well implement the upgrading and reconstruction of projects, in a bid to make greater contributions to the continuous improvement of the living environment of Dong'e County! On top of that, he noted, the People's Government of Dong'e County will go all out to make a quality service environment accessible to investors and to promote deeper and more active cooperation between the government and enterprises when conditions permit. The meeting ended in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.