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Shangqiu No.6 Sewage Treatment Plant Holds a Meeting to Promote Enterprise Culture

       On the afternoon of October 23, Shangqiu Kangda Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. held a plenary meeting to promote the enterprise culture at the meeting room, in an effort to enhance the construction of enterprise culture and strengthen the employees' learning, understanding, cognition, and practice of the core concept system and code of conduct of the enterprise culture.

       At the beginning of the meeting, we learned the material, From Cultural Identity to Management Improvement, from which we learned about enterprise culture on its basic meaning, fundamental position in business management, and structures as well as management goals. We have understood the quest for perfection and sincerity ingrained in the enterprise spirit, especially through the core enterprise philosophy of the group company. The enterprise culture is not only the ideological guidance and action guideline of all employees, but also the inexhaustible driving force and spiritual source for the enterprise to realize sustainable development.
       During the study, we had group discussions on common problems in the work of various departments. Besides, we analyzed the division of work based on the reality of each employee. We suggested that employees uphold solidarity while highlighting key points and implement a clear division of labor based on the accountability system, thus having distinct responsibilities and tasks to improve management efficiency and work efficiency.
       Through the study, we have understood the enterprise culture planning of the group company and the intention of superior leaders to promote enterprise culture. We should do solid work to unify thoughts by culture, concentrate efforts by thoughts, and realize better and faster development of the company by efforts.