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Teachers and Students from Shangqiu University Visit Kangda Environmental Protection (Shangqiu) Water Co., Ltd.

[Text by Yang Jingjing from Kangda Environmental Protection (Shangqiu) Water Co., Ltd.]

       On the morning of October 29, Kangda Environmental Protection (Shangqiu) Water Co., Ltd. (hereafter as Kangda Water) greeted 50 teachers and students from the geographical mapping and planning major of Shangqiu University. Led by their teachers, the students visited Kangda Water for field study and were warmly welcomed by the director Jia Changhua.

       Lu Taiping, the Head of the Operation Department, served as a guide and showed the visitors around. The tour started with the process flow diagram, and then Mr. Lu led them to different types of inlet gratings, vortex-type grit chamber, secondary sedimentation tank, efficient filter, disinfecting tank, sludge dewatering workshop and outlet. He gave a detailed introduction to the process flow and the treatment principles of each stage, helping them fully understand the process of turning the black and odorous domestic sewage into clear water.

       During the visit, students were thirsty for knowledge, actively asking Mr. Lu questions and making discussions. They said, "Compared to the pictures in books, the field visit truly makes me learn more about it." "Before the visit, I thought the sewage treatment plant must teem with disgusting and odorous sewage, but it is beautiful and clean here, like a park." "I hope there will be more opportunities to learn in such a lively and interesting way."

       As Henan Provincial Environmental Education Base, Kangda Water has adhered to the concept of opening-up and continuously played its role as an environmental education base through various activities such as the public open day. It has welcomed primary and middle school students as well as university students to visit the company many times, effectively improving citizens' awareness of saving water, protecting the environment and ecology and creating good social benefits.