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Improve Urban Water Environment, Realize Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources and Coordinated Social and Economic Development

Shandong Provincial Water-Saving City Review Team visits Guangrao Plant

      On the afternoon of November 5, the Shandong Provincial Water-Saving City Review Team composed of Wang Chunyang, Director of the City Management Division of Shandong Development and Reform Commission, Liu Jinfeng, senior engineer of Shandong Provincial Institute of Planning, Survey and Design, Pei Junjie, Director of Dongying Municipal Water-saving Office, and other industry experts paid a field visit to Guangrao plant for inspecting the work on the conservation and utilization of water resources. Cheng Jingwang, Head of the Public Utility of the Urban Management Bureau of Guangrao County, Shan Weiqiang and Xu Xiumei, Deputy General Managers of Guangrao Plant escorted the team.
      During the inspection, Shan Weiqiang gave a brief introduction to the progress of the plant's upgrading and reconstruction and the operation of reclaimed water recycling facilities and explained the plant's production, operation, and water conservation highly concerned by the team in detail. 
      After the field survey and listening to the report of the plant's leader, the review team spoke highly of the plant's reclaimed water recycling measures and long-term effects, stressing the plant's upgrading and reconstruction will greatly raise the reasonable reuse of reclaimed water in the urban area of Guangrao. The disposed reclaimed water can be supplied for cleaning urban roads and vehicles, fire fighting, and so forth, significantly increasing the utilization rate of reclaimed water. This is an important initiative to save urban water resources, promote ecological civilization construction and coordinated social and economic development. The Urban Management Bureau and Guangrao Plant are expected to work together to accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction and realize reclaimed water recycling in the urban area as early as possible. 
      After inspection, Shan Weiqing extended the heartfelt thanks to the review team, adding Guangrao Plant will continue to uphold the service tenet - Contribute to Society with Water-oriented Principles, tap the potential for water resource utilization, and make due contributions to benefit Guangrao and create a better living environment.