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Every Road Is Vital to People's Livelihood Guangchang Project in the Final Stage to Be Completed by the End of December

Guangchang Project in the Final Stage to Be Completed by the End of December 

      Guangchang Project Department sent a piece of good news the other day that the construction project of East Binjiang Road on the east bank of Fuhe River (Xujiang River), Guangchang County, the trunk road of the city undertaken by Kangda Intl. Environmental Co., Ltd. (Kangda EP), has entered the completion stage, and the second layer paving for the pavement asphalt has proceeded. Other ancillary projects are nearly finished. All members of the Project Departments respond to these projects in an orderly and active manner to ensure full completion by the end of December.

      The construction project of the East Binjiang Road on the east bank of Fuhe River and riverside ecology is a comprehensive ecological project integrating water conservancy, water supply, drainage, greening, and lighting. As a key project of people's livelihood in Guangchang and a project to be inspected by governmental leaders, it mainly includes the construction of road embankment, pavement, water conservancy embankment, water supply and drainage, culvert, electricity, weak current, lighting, and landscape. The key construction section - East Binjiang Road - is a two-way six-lane urban trunk with a design length of 4.8 km, a width of the boundary line of roads of 36 m, and a pavement structure type of asphalt concrete pavement. The project has attracted the attention and expectation of the people of Guangchang, Lianxiang. 

      Since the beginning of construction, Guangchang Project Department has been greatly supported by the local government. To speed up the construction progress and solve the practical difficulties during construction, Ouyang Qiaowen, head of Guangchang County, and Luo Changqing, executive deputy head of Guangchang County, have organized leaders of local financial bureau, financial evaluation center, and housing and construction bureau, as well as relevant leaders of SPV and resident supervisors to hold meetings, so as to coordinate and solve construction issues. These efforts have practically solved the worries of the construction units. 

      Currently, it is necessary to detour along the Shaziling via Lianhua Bridge when driving from Hedong New Area, Guangchang to the intersection of Jinan-Guangzhou Expressway. On the way, the road is flanked by dense residential and industrial areas, and there are many forks. It takes nearly 12 minutes to drive. The number of vehicles in the county seat will increase sharply during holidays and festivals, resulting in heavy traffic and travel inconvenience of residents. After the East Binjiang Road is completed, it will only take about 4 minutes to pass through this section, which will greatly improve the road traffic rate, save driving time, and effectively solve the problem of perennial congestion on this section. 
      Never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission. The road is going to be built into the "Yingbin Avenue" in Guangchang, which will fundamentally improve the traffic condition in Guangchang county seat, especially at the entrance to the Jinan-Guangzhou Expressway. It is a veritable project for people's livelihood. Together, we can make a great difference. All members of the Guangchang Project Department are making concerted efforts to ensure the full completion by the end of December and pursue an end satisfying the millions of people in Guangchang County, so that people can enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and security.