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Kangda EP Gaomi Company Carries out a Large-scale Action to Screen and Eliminate Potential Safety Hazards

      In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Notice of the Weifang Municipal Urban Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau on Carrying out Large-scale Actions to Screen and Eliminate Potential Safety Hazards in Urban Management, and the unified arrangements and deployment of Gaomi Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Gaomi Plant I, II and III, Urban-Rural Plant, and Kangda EP Lvyi Energy Investment Co., Ltd. have carried out the 2020 Centralized Large-scale Action to Screen and Eliminate Potential Safety Hazards.

      In order to successfully and effectively carry out this action, Yi Xianfu, general manager of Gaomi Company convened a working conference with personnel in charge of subordinate plants on December 16. At the conference, General Manager Yi communicated the instructions of the superior competent department on the new safety requirements and measures and required each plant, on the basis of strengthening the daily safety management and combining with the actual situation of each plant, to conduct an extensive safety investigation and renovation of the whole production process. Meanwhile, General Manager Yi emphasized that all plants shall pay high attention to this action arranged by the superior competent department, through which finding out all potential safety hazards of the sewage treatment plant; shall fully implement the action in all technical processes and list all sources of the potential safety hazards for a comprehensive rectification; shall prepare written materials of the potential safety hazards and corresponding rectification measures for future reference, formulate an explicit List of Sources of Potential Safety Hazards, install corresponding facilities and equipment, and implement safety regulations; shall keep a strong safety consciousness all the time, and normalize the safety management. In case of any accidents, the managers shall bear due responsibilities, and those who violate safety regulations should be punished more severely. In the meantime, all plants shall urge and remind the construction party of the standard improvement project to strengthen safety management.

      On December 21, the Safety Inspection Team, led by General Manager Yi and consisting of principals of subordinate plants, cooperated with safety experts from Weifang Jiankun Safety Service Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct a comprehensive safety inspection of production sites of those plants. The Safety Inspection Team gave a positive evaluation of the safety production of the plants and put forward constructive suggestions on the potential safety hazards of the sites. It required all plants to implement rectification of problems and preparation of records. All plants shall put the safety work into practice and not ignore any details. This action has further fulfilled and enhanced the safety production responsibilities of all plants subordinated to Gaomi Company; screened, eliminated, and curbed potential safety hazards of all kinds; standardized the safety production order, whereby laying a solid foundation for the prevention and reduction of ordinary and major accidents and avoidance of especially serious accidents, as well as the continuous safety production of Gaomi Company.