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Qingzhou Safety Supervision Expert Group Checks and Guides Work in Qingzhou Meiling Sewage Purification Co., Ltd.

       To ensure safe production of enterprises and site safety of construction projects, the Qingzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau was delegated by the Qingzhou Municipal Government to take the lead and Director of Sewage Management Department Ju Jie and the Deputy Director Chi Liang, as well as the provincial security expert Zhang Kunyun to form the Safety Supervision Expert Group were to check and guide work in Qingzhou Meiling Sewage Purification Co., Ltd. on December 28, 2020. Li Hongquan, General Manager of Meiling and Yao Zongyun, Project Manager of Qingzhou Project Upgrading and Reconstruction Department accompanied the group.

       The check of work this time was aimed to find problems and hidden safety hazards and solve them. First, the group checked the construction site of the project and gave constructive feedback and suggestions on construction organizations, material storage, electrical safety, and work in many other aspects. The group spoke highly of the orderly management of the construction site of the project. In addition, it pointed out that continuous efforts should be made to strengthen the implementation of safety precautions and greater importance should be attached to matters needing attention, including welding-linked air storage during construction, construction passageways, and working ladders connecting upper and lower sewage pools.

       Project Manager Yao Zongyun expressed his sincere thanks to the group for its valuable suggestions on management work during the construction of the project, stressing that the careful check by the government departments and experts did show their concern for life and property safety of workers during construction and production. Yao added that the Qingzhou Project Upgrading and Reconstruction Department will carry out self-check seriously, strengthen their safety protection awareness, and eliminate potential safety hazards, to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and lay a good foundation for safe construction in the next step.

       Then, the group checked project operation work post by post, link by link. It conducted on-site inspections of work in technical links like water inlets, grit chambers, biochemical pools, water outlets, effluent storage, and labs. The group explained in detail the areas that need improvement in personnel, equipment, management, environment, and so on, and it also gave specific guidance for work in key technical links. Li Hongquan, General Manager of Qingzhou Meiling Sewage Purification Co., Ltd. said they will take the inspection this time as an opportunity to carry out a thorough check to find safety loopholes, implement self-inspection and -correction seriously, formulate rectification measures, and guide production and operation in strict accordance with the guideline that "Safety and prevention of accidents come first".