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Warm Concern for Employees in Cold Winter

Li Zhong, Chairman of Group Company, Visits On-post Staff in Plants in Xinzheng 

      While the weather still blew hot and cold, Li Zhong, chairman of the group company, arrived at Xinzheng on February 7, 2021 (the 26th day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar). Accompanied by Li Qiwen, general manager of operating companies in Xinzheng, Ge Jinfeng, vice general manager of Zhengzhou Xinzhongzhou Water Co., Ltd., Li Yuantong, deputy director of finance of Kangda (Xinzheng) Water Co., Ltd., and Li Guanghui, vice plant manager of the No.1 Plant of Zhengzhou Xinzhongzhou Water Co., Ltd., Li Zhong inspected Zhengzhou Xinzhongzhou Water Co., Ltd., Xinzheng Xinkang Water Co., Ltd., and Kangda (Xinzheng) Water Co., Ltd., and visited employees sticking to their posts to express concern and New Year's blessings to them.

      During his visit, Chairman Li Zhong listened to the reports on water affair operation and project construction given by GM Li Qiwen and other leaders of operating companies in Xinzheng, understood the current inflow water quality and the up-to-standard discharge, put forward corrective guidance on the risk of safe and up-to-standard discharge in the plant, and asked each plant to improve weak links and further implement the responsibility to ensure effective operation and management.

      Besides, he carefully checked the duty rooms, laboratories, factory buildings, staff canteens in plants, and inquired about the production situation, the safety precautions for the Spring Festival, and the shift work of the front-line staff. He told leaders of plants to strengthen pandemic prevention and control, pay attention to employees' physical and mental health, and enhance safe operation and security during the festival. Chairman Li had cordial talks with on-post staff and showed his solicitude to them. He sent the group company’s New Year blessings to the grass-roots employees and their families, wishing them good health, family happiness, smooth work, and good luck in the Year of the Ox. He also wished all operating companies flourishment and greater glories in the new year.

      The cordial care of group leader inspired staff on duty. All members of plants in Xinzheng said they would conscientiously perform their duties and make their contributions to the development of the group with higher morale, more spirited working attitude, and more pragmatic conduct.