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Getting Closer to Nature for Team Building, Contributing to Society with Water-oriented Principles

       The Mountain-climbing Activity of Female Employees of Kangda EP in Chongqing to Celebrate the International Women's Day concluded On this International Women's Day, a lot of flowers bloomed, and trees gave welcome shade, telling that the spring has come. 

       As suggested by the group executives, the General Department and Human Resource Department of Kangda EP jointly organized the team-building activity themed "Bathed in the gentle spring breeze, enjoy magnificent river and mountain views" for female employees to enrich their cultural lives, enhance their sense of belonging, strengthen team cohesion, and implement the life concept of "leading a 'green' life, getting closer to nature, and taking physical exercise more", as well as to celebrate the upcoming International Women's Day. The activity was held under Zhaomu Mountain.

       At noon, the sun was shining brightly. The female employees of Kangda EP in Chongqing dressed in fashionable clothes of different colors assembled cheerfully in the company hall. Upon hearing the directive for departure, the employees started off for the first destination, namely, the Zhaomushan Botanical Garden. Walking along the greenway of Liangjiang Happiness Square, they chatted relaxedly with each other. Before long, they arrived at the foot of the Zhaomu Mountain, where they took a group photo. 

       Subsequently, the activity officially started as they entered the garden in groups for the second destination — the Lanyue Pagoda on the mountain. When surrounded by slightly wavy mountains and lush forests in the garden, all of them felt much refreshed.  Climbing up the mountain vigorously and crossing luxuriant shrub woods, all the ladies arrived at the pagoda in only 20 minutes. On the top of the mountain, they oversaw from different angles. The grand Yangtze River and Jialing River, busy flyovers, towering buildings, dreamlike glass curtain walls ... All show what a modern city should be like. Not far from the foot of the mountain, the Uranus Mansion stands tall, on the outer wall of which the four Chinese characters for "Kangda EP" could be seen clearly, thus making the employees very happy.

       As the botanical garden is well known for the various kinds of blooming flowers and beautiful scenery inside in spring, the employees immediately headed for the flower-viewing point in the garden after stopping at the pagoda for a while. Hoping to appreciate the flowers there soon, they climbed very quickly and arrived at the third destination — the flower-viewing point near the Xiaode Forest on the mountain. 
       At the point, in front of the employees were all kinds of flowers that have bloomed or are about to bloom, including oriental cherry and peach blossoms. The fragrance of these flowers drifted slowly on the breeze, and by the roadside, some petals danced briskly in the wind onto the ground like a rain of flowers, together creating an agreeable scene. Suddenly, they found a surprise. A lot of stuff to eat and drink was put on the table on the grassland, which was a gift that the company specially prepared for them. In warm sunshine and gentle spring breeze, they tasted Chongqing specialties of all types while enjoying the surrounding beautiful scenery. Afterward, on the grassland, some of them sang songs, some played around, and some took photos with their best poses, totally indulging themselves in the joy of the festival.
       Time flies. Very quickly did the two-hour team-building activity come to an end. These employees spent a very nice holiday through this activity, during which they showed their passion for life and work and also revealed their hope for more team-building activities in the future. Moreover, their mutual trust has been increased and the communication between them strengthened, which have demonstrated the importance of cultural construction for enterprises.
Time in happiness is always unknowingly spent. Tomorrow, they will continue to forge ahead unitedly. As a saying goes, "The water that integrates itself into seas will never dry up". Kangda people must gather great strength if we link our individual development with that of the enterprise. We will certainly be united as a single-stranded rope to achieve the common vision of "contributing to society with water-oriented principles".